Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- m -
- max_returned_candidates
: sBSP430cliCompletionData
- mctl
: sBSP430hplUSCI5
, sBSP430hplUSCI
- mctlw
: sBSP430hplEUSCIA
- mday
: sSkyTraqMsgIn_RESTART
- mid
: sSkyTraqMsg_GENERIC
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_CFG_FORMAT
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_CFG_NMEA
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_CFG_SERIAL
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_RESTART
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_SW_CRC
, sSkyTraqMsgIn_SW_VERSION
, sSkyTraqMsgOut_ACK
, sSkyTraqMsgOut_NAV_DATA
, sSkyTraqMsgOut_SW_VERSION
- min
: sSkyTraqMsgIn_RESTART
- minutes
: sDS3231registers
- mode
: sSkyTraqMsgIn_RESTART
- mon
: sSkyTraqMsgIn_RESTART
- mon_cen
: sDS3231registers
- msl_alt_cm_be
: sSkyTraqMsgOut_NAV_DATA