BSPACM  20150113
Board Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Data Fields
sBSPACMdeviceEFM32periphXRTdevcfg Struct Reference

#include </prj/arm/bspacm/device/efm32/include/bspacm/periph/uart_.h>

Data Fields

sBSPACMdeviceEFM32pinmux rx_pinmux
sBSPACMdeviceEFM32pinmux tx_pinmux
uint32_t clock
uint16_t location

Detailed Description

The intersection of configuration information relevant to all EFM32 devices that support UART functionality: USART, UART, and LEUART.

Field Documentation

uint32_t sBSPACMdeviceEFM32periphXRTdevcfg::clock

The peripheral clock configuration that must be enabled. From the <em_cmu.h> header, e.g. cmuClock_USART1

uint16_t sBSPACMdeviceEFM32periphXRTdevcfg::location

Routing selection for USART. From the CMSIS header, e.g. USART_ROUTE_LOCATION_LOC1

sBSPACMdeviceEFM32pinmux sBSPACMdeviceEFM32periphXRTdevcfg::rx_pinmux

The port pin mux configuration for the RX (MISO) signal.

sBSPACMdeviceEFM32pinmux sBSPACMdeviceEFM32periphXRTdevcfg::tx_pinmux

The port pin mux configuration for the TX (MOSI) signal.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: