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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
Support for CoAPy unit testing.

:copyright: Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot
:license: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import coapy
import coapy.endpoint
import socket
import errno
import unittest
import logging.handlers

[docs]class FIFOEndpoint (coapy.endpoint.Endpoint): """A specialized endpoint for unit testing. Each instance of this class is assigned a unique name. The underlying :meth:`coapy.endpoint.Endpoint.rawsendto` and :meth:`coapy.endpoint.Endpoint.rawrecvfrom` operations are replaced to directly deliver to another instance of this class. """ @property
[docs] def fifo(self): """Access to the FIFO holding undelivered messages to this endpoint. Elements on the FIFO are tuples ``(data, source_endpoint)`` where *data* is a byte string and *source_endpoint* is the endpoint from which *data* was received. The contents of the fifo may be inspected and manipulated to test endpoint network delivery without involving real sockets. """ return self.__fifo
__fifo_idx = 0 def __new__(cls, **kw): host = 'fifo # {0}'.format(cls.__fifo_idx) cls.__fifo_idx += 1 return super(FIFOEndpoint, cls).__new__(cls, host=host, port=coapy.COAP_PORT, family=None) def __init__(self, **kw): super(FIFOEndpoint, self).__init__(sockaddr=self.sockaddr, self.__fifo = []
[docs] def _rawsendto(self, data, destination_endpoint): if not isinstance(destination_endpoint, FIFOEndpoint): raise ValueError(destination_endpoint) destination_endpoint.fifo.append((data, self))
[docs] def _rawrecvfrom(self, bufsize): if 0 == len(self.fifo): raise socket.error(errno.EAGAIN, 'Resource temporarily unavailable') return self.fifo.pop(0)
[docs]class LogHandler_mixin(object): """Extension that registers a :class:`python:logging.handlers.BufferingHandler` for loggers used in CoAPy modules to capture the log messages for diagnostic verification. This implementation currently assumes that only the root logger has set the log message level. For the duration of the test, this level is reset to 1 (enabling capture of records at all levels). .. note:: Unit tests that make use of this feature should be sure to invoke ``self.log_handler.flush()`` prior to exiting. Any unflushed messages left in the buffering handler will be emitted to the console when the test cleanup is performed, so that unexpected log messages do not slip by unnoticed. """ LOG_CAPACITY = 128 """The number of records that the associated :attr:`log_handler` should be able to retain. """ @property
[docs] def log_handler(self): """Read-only reference to the :class:`python:logging.handlers.BufferingHandler` that is hooked into the logging infrastructure while the unit test is running. The test case may access the log handler's :attr:`buffer<python:logging.handlers.BufferingHandler.buffer>` attribute to access the generated :class:`log records<python:logging.LogRecord>`. """ return self.__log_handler
[docs] def setUp(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to install managed clock.""" super(LogHandler_mixin, self).setUp() self.__log_handler = logging.handlers.BufferingHandler(self.LOG_CAPACITY) self.__log_handler.setLevel(1) self.__log_formatter = logging.Formatter() self.__log_handler.setFormatter(self.__log_formatter) self.__root_logger = logging.getLogger() self.__root_logger_level = self.__root_logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.__root_logger.setLevel(1) self.__root_logger.addHandler(self.__log_handler)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to remove :attr:`log_handler`. """ if 0 < len(self.__log_handler.buffer): print("\n>>>UNPROCESSED LOG MESSAGES:") print(''.join(map(self.__log_handler.format, self.__log_handler.buffer))) print("\n<<<END UNPROCESSED LOG MESSAGES") self.__root_logger.removeHandler(self.__log_handler) self.__root_logger.setLevel(self.__root_logger_level) super(LogHandler_mixin, self).tearDown()
[docs]class ManagedClock_mixin(object): """Extension that replaces :data:`coapy.clock` with an instance of :class:`coapy.ManagedClock` to eliminate non-determinism in clock queries. This class should be mixed-in as a base class along with :class:`python:unittest.TestCase` for tests that need to control the CoAPy clock. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to install managed clock.""" super(ManagedClock_mixin, self).setUp() self.__clock = coapy.clock coapy.clock = coapy.ManagedClock()
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to return to default clock. """ coapy.clock = self.__clock super(ManagedClock_mixin, self).tearDown()
[docs]class DeterministicBEBO_mixin(object): """Extension that replaces :data:`coapy.transmissionParameters` with an instance of :class:`coapy.message.TransmissionParameters` that sets :attr:`ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR<coapy.message.TransmissionParameters.ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR>` to 1.0 to eliminate non-determinism in delays. This class should be mixed-in as a base class along with :class:`python:unittest.TestCase` for tests that need deterministic retransmission behavior. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to install deterministic transmission parameters. """ super(DeterministicBEBO_mixin, self).setUp() import coapy.message self.__transmission_parameters = coapy.transmissionParameters coapy.transmissionParameters = coapy.message.TransmissionParameters() coapy.transmissionParameters.ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR = 1.0 coapy.transmissionParameters.recalculate_derived()
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Cooperative super-calling support to return to default transmission parameters. """ coapy.transmissionParameters = self.__transmission_parameters super(DeterministicBEBO_mixin, self).tearDown()