Source code for coapy.endpoint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
:copyright: Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot
:license: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import socket
import urlparse
import urllib
import random
import itertools
import coapy
import coapy.message

# Gross Hack: Update urlparse so it knows about the coap and coaps
# schemes, specifically that it should support joining relative URIs
# and process netloc and query.
urlparse.uses_relative.extend(['coap', 'coaps'])
urlparse.uses_netloc.extend(['coap', 'coaps'])
urlparse.uses_query.extend(['coap', 'coaps'])

class URIError (coapy.CoAPyException):

[docs]class ReplyMessageError (coapy.CoAPyException): """Exception raised when :meth:`RcvdMessageCacheEntry.reply` is invoked improperly. The *args* are ``(diagnostic, cache_entry, message)`` where *diagnostic* is one of the string values in this class, *cache_entry* is the :class:`RcvdMessageCacheEntry`, and *message* is the proposed reply message that was rejected. """ ID_MISMATCH = 'Message IDs do not match' """A reply message must match using the :attr:`messageID<coapy.message.Message.messageID>` attributes. """ TOKEN_MISMATCH = 'Tokens do not match' """A piggy-backed response must match the :attr:`Token<coapy.message.Message.token>` of the request. """ NOT_RESPONSE = 'Non-empty reply is not a response' """A piggy-backed response must be a :class:`response message<coapy.message.Response>`. """ RESPONSE_NOT_ACK = 'Piggy-backed response is not ACK' """A piggy-backed response must have type :attr:`ACK<coapy.message.Message.Type_ACK>`. """ ALREADY_GIVEN = 'Message already has reply' """A :attr:`reply_message<RcvdMessageCacheEntry.reply_message>` has already been assigned. """
[docs]class MessageCacheEntry (coapy.util.TimeDueOrdinal): """A class holding data stored in a :class:`MessageCache`. Instances sort based on :attr:`coapy.util.TimeDueOrdinal.time_due`, and may be looked up based on :attr:`message_id`. Keyword parameters recognized: * *cache* identifies the :class:`MessageCache` instance to which this entry will belong. * *message* is a :class:`Message` instance from which :attr:`Message.messageID` is used to initialize :attr:`message_id` * *message_id* is used to initialize :attr:`message_id` if *message* is absent * *time_due* is used to initialize :attr:`coapy.util.TimeDueOrdinal.time_due` *cache* is a required keyword parameter. One of *message* and *message_id* must also be provided. The created cache entry is automatically inserted into the cache upon creation. """ __cache = None
[docs] def _dissociate(self): """Remove the connection between the instance and the cache. This is invoked by :class:`MessageCache` operations that remove the entry from its cache. """ self.__cache = None
[docs] def cache(self): """The :class:`MessageCache` to which this entry belongs. This is a read-only property, set when the entry is created and cleared when it has been removed from its cache. """ return self.__cache
[docs] def _get_time_due(self): """See :attr:`coapy.util.TimeDueOrdinal.time_due`. In this class, modification of the value has the side-effect of moving the entry within the :attr:`cache` queue. """ return self.__time_due
def _set_time_due(self, value): self.__time_due = value # If we're in the superclass constructor the cache has not # yet been assigned (nor has the message_id that must be # assigned prior to insertion). So don't do anything yet. if self.__cache is not None: self.__cache._reposition(self) time_due = property(_get_time_due, _set_time_due) message_id = None """The :attr:`Message.messageID` value associated with the cache entry. """ def __init__(self, **kw): cache = kw.pop('cache', None) message = kw.pop('message', None) message_id = kw.pop('message_id', None) super(MessageCacheEntry, self).__init__(**kw) if isinstance(message, coapy.message.Message): self.message_id = message.messageID elif isinstance(message_id, int): self.message_id = message_id else: raise TypeError(message_id) if not isinstance(cache, MessageCache): raise TypeError(cache) self.__cache = cache cache._add(self)
[docs]class MessageCache (object): """Dual-view collection used for caches based on :attr:`Message.messageID`. This class implements a cache. It simulates a dictionary allowing lookup of items using :attr:`Message.messageID` values as keys. It also simulates a priority queue, allowing items to be removed from the cache based on age. Elements in the cache are expected to be instances of :class:`MessageCacheEntry`. Most lookup :class:`python:dict` operations are supported. Cache entries are placed in the cache when they are created. It is an error to create a new cache entry when one with the same :attr:`MessageCacheEntry.message_id` is already present. Entries are removed from the cache by using :meth:`pop_oldest`. Entry content may be updated while in the cache, but once removed from the cache an entry cannot be re-inserted. """ __queue = None __dict = None @property
[docs] def endpoint(self): """The :class:`Endpoint` to which the cache belongs.""" return self.__endpoint
[docs] def is_sent_cache(self): """``True`` if this cache is the sent-message cache for its :attr:`endpoint`. ``False`` if this is the received-message cache.""" return self.__is_sent_cache
def __init__(self, endpoint, is_sent_cache): if not isinstance(endpoint, Endpoint): raise ValueError(endpoint) self.__endpoint = endpoint self.__is_sent_cache = is_sent_cache self.__queue = [] self.__dict = {} self.keys = self.__dict.keys self.values = self.__dict.values self.items = self.__dict.items self.get = self.__dict.get # clear # setdefault import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): self.has_key = self.__dict.has_key self.iterkeys = self.__dict.iterkeys self.itervalues = self.__dict.itervalues self.iteritems = self.__dict.iteritems # pop # popitem # copy # update
[docs] def queue(self): """The queue of cache entries sorted by :attr:`MessageCacheEntry.time_due`. .. warning:: This method returns a reference to the underlying sorted list. Callers are expected to refrain from changing the list in any way other than through methods exposed on the cache itself. """ return self.__queue
[docs] def peek_oldest(self): """Return the oldest item in the cache without removing it.""" return self.__queue[0]
[docs] def pop_oldest(self): """Return the oldest item in the cache after removing it.""" return self._remove(self.__queue[0])
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all entries in the cache.""" while self.__queue: self.pop_oldest()
[docs] def _add(self, value): """Add *value* to the cache. """ if not isinstance(value, MessageCacheEntry): raise ValueError(value) if value.message_id in self.__dict: raise ValueError(value) if value.cache != self: raise ValueError(value) value.queue_insert(self.__queue) self.__dict[value.message_id] = value
[docs] def _remove(self, value): """Remove *value* from the cache. """ if not isinstance(value, MessageCacheEntry): raise ValueError(value) value.queue_remove(self.__queue) del self.__dict[value.message_id] value._dissociate() return value
[docs] def _reposition(self, value): """Re-place *value* at its correct location in the queue. This must be invoked whenever the underlying :attr:`coapy.util.TimeDueOrdinal.time_due` attribute value is changed.""" value.queue_reposition(self.__queue)
def __len__(self): return len(self.__queue) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, coapy.message.Message): key = key.messageID return self.__dict[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict
[docs]class SentMessageCacheEntry (MessageCacheEntry): """Data related to a message sent from a specific endpoint. This cache holds a message that originated from a local :attr:`coapy.message.Message.source_endpoint`, along with the necessary state to retransmit it if it is :meth:`confirmable<coapy.message.Message.is_confirmable>`. """ ST_untransmitted = 0 ST_unacknowledged = 1 ST_final_ack_wait = 2 ST_completed = 3 ST_removed = 4 @property def state(self): return self.__state __state = None @property
[docs] def transmissions(self): """Number of times this message has been transmitted.""" return self.__transmissions
__transmissions = None @property
[docs] def created_clk(self): """The :func:`coapy.clock` value at the time the cache entry was created. """ return self.__created_clk
__created_clk = None __bebo = None @property
[docs] def message(self): """The :class:`coapy.message.Message` being cached.""" return self.__message
__message = None @property
[docs] def reply_message(self): """The :class:`coapy.message.Message` that was received in response to :attr:`message`. The value is ``None`` unless either an :attr:`acknowledgement<coapy.message.Message.Type_ACK>` (empty or with a piggy-backed response) or a :attr:`reset<coapy.message.Message.Type_RST>` has been received. """ return self.__reply
__reply = None @property
[docs] def destination_endpoint(self): """The endpoint to which the message is being sent.""" return self.__destination_endpoint
__destination_endpoint = None @property
[docs] def stale_at(self): """Return the time at which the content of a response message is outdated. This is calculated from the :class:`coapy.option.MaxAge` option in conjunction with :attr:`created_clk`. Callers may wish to update the :attr:`message` options to reflect the change in age on subsequent retransmissions. The value is ``None`` if the message is not a response. """ return self.__stale_at
__stale_at = None def __init__(self, cache, message, destination_endpoint, transmission_parameters=None): if not isinstance(message, coapy.message.Message): raise ValueError(message) if transmission_parameters is None: transmission_parameters = coapy.transmissionParameters self.__created_clk = coapy.clock() self.__destination_endpoint = destination_endpoint self.__expiry_due = self.__created_clk if message.is_confirmable(): self.__expiry_due += transmission_parameters.EXCHANGE_LIFETIME elif message.is_non_confirmable(): self.__expiry_due += transmission_parameters.NON_LIFETIME else: # ACK and RST messages should not be cached raise ValueError(message) if isinstance(message, coapy.message.Response): self.__stale_at = self.__created_clk + message.maxAge() self.__state = self.ST_untransmitted self.__transmissions = 0 self.__message = message self.__timeout = 0 time_due = self.__created_clk super(SentMessageCacheEntry, self).__init__(cache=cache, message_id=message.messageID, time_due=time_due) if message.is_confirmable(): self.__bebo = transmission_parameters.make_bebo() def __complete(self): self.__state = self.ST_completed self.time_due = self.__expiry_due def process_timeout(self): now = coapy.clock() if now < self.time_due: raise Exception if self.__state == self.ST_removed: raise Exception if self.__state == self.ST_completed: self.cache._remove(self) self.__state = self.ST_removed return None ep = self.cache.endpoint data = self.message.to_packed() ep.rawsendto(data, self.destination_endpoint) self.__transmissions += 1 if self.ST_untransmitted == self.__state: if self.__bebo is None: self.__complete() else: self.__state = self.ST_unacknowledged if self.ST_unacknowledged == self.__state: try: self.__timeout = next(self.__bebo) except StopIteration: self.__bebo = None # Double last timeout (4.2) to wait for # acknowledgement to final transmission self.__timeout += self.__timeout self.__state = self.ST_final_ack_wait self.time_due += self.__timeout elif self.ST_final_ack_wait == self.__state: self.__complete() return self def process_reply(self, msg): if self.__reply is not None: _log.warning('Multiple replies') return if msg.is_reset() or ((self.ST_unacknowledged == self.__state) and msg.is_acknowledgement): self.__reply = msg self.__complete() return self raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class RcvdMessageCacheEntry (MessageCacheEntry): """Data related to a message received by a specific endpoint. This cache holds a message that originated from a remote :attr:`coapy.message.Message.source_endpoint`, along with the necessary state to cache the reply to that message. *cache* must be the source endpoint cache for received messages. *message* must be a message that originated on that host, and is either a :meth:`confirmable<coapy.message.Message.is_confirmable>` or :meth:`non-confirmable<coapy.message.Message.is_non_confirmable>` message. Acknowledgements and Resets are not recorded in the cache. """ @property
[docs] def created_clk(self): """The :func:`coapy.clock` value at the time the cache entry was created. This should correspond to the time at which :attr:`message` was first received. """ return self.__created_clk
__created_clk = None @property
[docs] def message(self): """The :class:`coapy.message.Message` being cached.""" return self.__message
__message = None @property
[docs] def reception_count(self): """The number of times :attr:`message` was received. More strictly, this is the number of times a message with the same :attr:`messageID<coapy.message.Message.messageID>` was received while this cache entry is live. Diagnostics may be emitted in a situation where it appears a message ID has been re-used prematurely. """ return self.__reception_count
__reception_count = None @property
[docs] def reply_message(self): """The :class:`coapy.message.Message` that was sent in response to this message. ``None`` until a response is sent, then either an :meth:`acknowledgement<coapy.message.Message.is_acknowledgement>` (which may or may not have a :coapsect:`piggy-backed response<>`) or a :meth:`reset<coapy.message.Message.is_reset>` message. A non-confirmable message may have no response at all. """ return self.__reply_message
__reply_message = None
[docs] def reply(self, reset=False, message=None): """Create the :attr:`reply_message` for the reception in this entry. If *message* is provided, it should be an :class:`coapy.message.Response` message with type :attr:`ACK<coapy.message.Message.Type_ACK>` that is to be sent as a :coapsect:`piggy-backed response<5.2.1>`. If *message* is ``None``, this method will create an empty :attr:`ACK<coapy.message.Message.Type_ACK>` (*reset* is ``False``) or :attr:`RST<coapy.message.Message.Type_RST>` (*reset* is ``True``) message. The reply message will be transmitted to the source endpoint of the received message. Erroneous use will raise :exc:`ReplyMessageError`. """ if self.__reply_message is not None: raise ReplyMessageError(ReplyMessageError.ALREADY_GIVEN, self, message) if message is None: message = self.message.create_reply(reset=reset) if message.messageID is None: message.messageID = self.message.messageID if message.messageID != self.message.messageID: raise ReplyMessageError(ReplyMessageError.ID_MISMATCH, self, message) if coapy.message.Message.Empty != message.code: if not isinstance(message, coapy.message.Response): raise ReplyMessageError(ReplyMessageError.NOT_RESPONSE, self, message) if not message.is_acknowledgement(): raise ReplyMessageError(ReplyMessageError.RESPONSE_NOT_ACK, self, message) if message.token != self.message.token: raise ReplyMessageError(ReplyMessageError.TOKEN_MISMATCH, self, message) if message.source_endpoint is None: message.source_endpoint = self.message.destination_endpoint if message.destination_endpoint is None: message.destination_endpoint = self.message.source_endpoint self.__reply_message = message self.resend_reply()
def resend_reply(self): rm = self.__reply_message rm.source_endpoint.rawsendto(rm.to_packed(), rm.destination_endpoint) def __init__(self, cache, message, transmission_parameters=None): if not isinstance(message, coapy.message.Message): raise ValueError(message) if transmission_parameters is None: transmission_parameters = coapy.transmissionParameters self.__created_clk = coapy.clock() self.__message = message self.__reception_count = 1 time_due = self.created_clk if message.is_confirmable(): time_due += transmission_parameters.EXCHANGE_LIFETIME elif message.is_non_confirmable(): time_due += transmission_parameters.NON_LIFETIME else: # ACK and RST messages should not be cached raise ValueError(message) super(RcvdMessageCacheEntry, self).__init__(cache=cache, message_id=message.messageID, time_due=time_due)
[docs]class Endpoint (object): """A CoAP endpoint. Per :coapsect:`1.2` this is an entity participating in the CoAP protocol. In CoAPy it is used to aggregate all material related to such an endpoint, which is uniquely identified by an IP address, port, and security information. Various constraints in CoAP such as :coapsect:`congestion control<4.7>`, :coapsect:`default values for options<5.10.1>`, and re-usability of message IDs, are associated with specific endpoints. *sockaddr*, if not ``None``, must be a tuple the first two elements of which are ``host, port`` which override the user-provided *host* and *port*. *host* specifies the host of the endpoint as a Unicode string, representing a host name, an IP address literal, or other unique key. *family* is by default :data:`python:socket.AF_UNSPEC` supporting resolution of *host* to any address family. A non-``None`` value is passed to :func:`python:socket.getaddrinfo` when attempting to resolve *host* as an address; the actual *family* value will be the one selected by the resolution process (normally :data:`python:socket.AF_INET` or :data:`python:socket.AF_INET6`) Failure to successfully resolve *host* will raise :exc:`python:socket.gaierror`. If you want a dummy endpoint associated with *host* but that does not have an IP host associated with it, make sure that *family* is ``None`` so that *host* is left unresolved and instead serves as an *name* as described in :attr:`sockaddr`. *port* is the integer transport-layer port of the endpoint. This would normally be either :const:`coapy.COAP_PORT` or :const:`coapy.COAPS_PORT`. *security_mode* is used to determine the DTLS protocol used for secure CoAP, and at this time had probably better be left as ``None``. To ensure consistency, :class:`Endpoint` instances are unique for a given key comprising :attr:`family`, :attr:`ip_addr`, :attr:`port`, and :attr:`security_mode`. Attempts to instantiate a new endpoint with parameters that match a previously-created one will return a reference to the original instance. """ @property
[docs] def sockaddr(self): """The Python :mod:`python:socket` address of the endpoint. When :attr:`family` is :data:`python:socket.AF_INET` this is the tuple ``(host, port)``. When :attr:`family` is :data:`python:socket.AF_INET6` this is the tuple ``(host, port, flowinfo, scopeid)``. When :attr:`family` is ``None`` this is the tuple ``(name, port)``. *name* functions like *host* but is not a resolvable host name. *host* will be the text representation of :attr:`in_addr`; it will not be a host name. *port* will be a numeric port *number*. """ return self.__sockaddr
__bound_socket = None
[docs] def set_bound_socket(self, socket): """Set the :attr:`bound_socket`. *socket* may be ``None``, in which case the endpoint is disassociated from any socket. If *socket* is not ``None`` it must be an object suitable for assignment to :attr:`bound_socket`. The endpoint adopts the socket, in that if/when the endpoint is destroyed the socket will be closed if it remains bound to the endpoint. (Since :class:`Endpoint` instances are almost impossible to destroy, this has little relevance at this time.) In either case if the assignment succeed the previous value of :attr:`bound_socket` is returned, with the caller taking responsibility to close it when finished. .. note:: For simulation and testing purposes *socket* might not be a :func:`socket object<python:socket.socket>`, but it must act like one with respect to the methods CoAPy expects it to provide, including but not limited to: * :meth:`getsockname()<python:socket.socket.getsockname>` * :meth:`sendto()<python:socket.socket.sendto>` """ obs = self.__bound_socket if (socket is not None) and (self.sockaddr != socket.getsockname()): raise ValueError(socket) self.__bound_socket = socket return obs
[docs] def bound_socket(self): """Return a :func:`socket object<python:socket.socket>` instance that is bound to :attr:`sockaddr`. This may only be set for endpoints that are local to the host. It may set to ``None`` to disassociate the endpoint from a socket, and may be changed from ``None`` to an object that returns :attr:`sockaddr` when :meth:`socket.getsockname<python:socket.socket.getsockname>` is invoked on it. See :meth:`create_bound_endpoint` and :meth:`set_bound_socket`. """ return self.__bound_socket
[docs] def _rawsendto(self, data, destination_endpoint): """Send *data* from this endpoint to *destination_endpoint*. This invokes :meth:`sendto<python:socket.socket.sendto>` on :attr:`bound_socket` to transmit *data* to the *destination_endpoint* via its :attr:`sockaddr`. """ return self.bound_socket.sendto(data, destination_endpoint.sockaddr)
[docs] def rawsendto(self, data, destination_endpoint): """Send *data* from this endpoint to *destination_endpoint*. Normally this is shorthand for invoking :meth:`sendto<python:socket.socket.sendto>` on :attr:`bound_socket` to transmit *data* to the *destination_endpoint* via its :attr:`sockaddr`. Subclasses may override the implementation for the purposes of testing or simulation. """ return self._rawsendto(data, destination_endpoint)
[docs] def _rawrecvfrom(self, bufsize): """Receive *data* from a *source_endpoint*. Invokes :meth:`recvfrom<python:socket.socket.recvfrom>` on :attr:`bound_socket` and replacing the returned source socket address with the corresponding :class:`Endpoint` instance as *source_endpoint*. Returns ``(data, source_endpoint)``. """ (data, addr) = self.bound_socket.recvfrom(bufsize) return (data, Endpoint(sockaddr=addr,
[docs] def rawrecvfrom(self, bufsize): """Receive *data* from a *source_endpoint*. Returns ``(data, source_endpoint)``. Normally this is simply shorthand for invoking :meth:`recvfrom<python:socket.socket.recvfrom>` on :attr:`bound_socket` and replacing the returned source socket address with the corresponding :class:`Endpoint` instance as *source_endpoint*. Subclasses may override the implementation for the purposes of testing or simulation. """ return self._rawrecvfrom(bufsize)
[docs] def create_bound_endpoint(cls, sockaddr=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, security_mode=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): """Create an endpoint with a local socket bound to it. *sockaddr*, *family*, *security_mode*, *host*, and *port* are all as used with :class:`Endpoint`. For use with a CoAP service on the local host (*host* as ```` or ``::1``), *port* may be 0 in this call. This allows the bind operation to select an unused local port. Returns the created endpoint with :attr:`bound_socket` initialized and ready to send and receive messages. """ # First, figure out the resolved family and host/port part of # the socket address. (family, sockaddr) = cls._canonical_sockinfo(sockaddr=sockaddr, family=family, security_mode=security_mode, host=host, port=port) if (family is None) or (family is socket.AF_UNSPEC): raise ValueError # Create a socket, bind it to the proposed socket address, then use # the result as the endpoint socket address: this is necessary because # if port was passed as 0 the act of binding assigned a local port. s = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind(sockaddr) sockaddr = s.getsockname() # Now we can create the instance and associate the socket with it. ep = cls(sockaddr=sockaddr, family=family, security_mode=security_mode) ep.set_bound_socket(s) return ep
[docs] def family(self): """The address family used for :attr:`sockaddr`. This is normally :data:`python:socket.AF_INET` or :data:`python:socket.AF_INET6`. It may be ``None`` for testing situations where the actual endpoint does not correspond to an network node. """ return self.__family
[docs] def in_addr(self): """The address of the endpoint. The representation is binary data encoding part of :attr:`sockaddr`. Decoding it depends on :attr:`family`: When :attr:`family` is :data:`python:socket.AF_INET` this is the IPv4 address in network byte order. When :attr:`family` is :data:`python:socket.AF_INET6` this is the IPv6 address in network byte order. When :attr:`family` is ``None`` this is the *name* in Net-Unicode format. """ return self.__in_addr
[docs] def port(self): """The transport-level port of the endpoint.""" return self.__port
[docs] def security_mode(self): """The security mode of the endpoint. Generally ``None`` though if :coapsect:`DTLS<9>` CoAP is used it would be some other value. """ return self.__security_mode
[docs] def uri_host(self): """The text value for the ``host`` subcomponent of the authority part of a URI involving this endpoint. This is almost always either an ``IPv4address`` or ``IP-literal`` as defined by `section 3.2.2 of RFC3986`_. If an :class:`Endpoint` is created by an application using a host name, the resolved address of the host is used for :attr:`sockaddr` and for this property. .. _section 3.2.2 of RFC3986: """ return self.__uri_host
[docs] def base_uri(self): """The base CoAP URI for resources on this endpoint. This is used by :meth:`uri_to_options` to avoid the need to specify the protocol and netloc when creating option lists. """ return self.__base_uri
__base_uri = None __EndpointRegistry = {} __nonInetIndex = 0 @staticmethod
[docs] def _key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode=None): """Create the key used to look up endpoints. *sockaddr* must be a tuple the first two elements of which are ``(host, port)``. Unless *family* is ``None``, *host* must be a text representation of an IP address that can be converted with :func:`python:socket.inet_pton` using *family*, not a hostname. *port* must be a numeric port number. If *family* is :data:`python:socket.AF_UNSPEC` a :exc:`python:exception.ValueError` exception will be raised as the system does not know how to decode the *host*. """ if not isinstance(sockaddr, tuple): raise TypeError(sockaddr) ip_literal = sockaddr[0] if family is None: in_addr = coapy.util.to_net_unicode(ip_literal) elif family is socket.AF_UNSPEC: raise ValueError else: # Use the network-byte-order binary representation of the # IP address, to having to deal with non-canonical IPv6 # text representations. See RFC5952 for why this is # necessary. in_addr = socket.inet_pton(family, ip_literal) return (family, in_addr, sockaddr[1], security_mode)
[docs] def _canonical_sockinfo(sockaddr=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, security_mode=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): """Get canonical socket information for an endpoint. Returns a tuple ``(family, sockaddr)`` where *sockaddr* is a an :attr:`address<sockaddr>` as constrained by *family*. Failure to resolve the socket *host* to a numeric IP literal within *family* (if required) will raise :exc:`python:socket.gaierror`. """ if sockaddr is not None: try: key = Endpoint._key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode) ep = Endpoint.__EndpointRegistry.get(key) if ep is not None: return (, ep.sockaddr) except: pass if not isinstance(sockaddr, tuple): raise TypeError(sockaddr) if 2 > len(sockaddr): raise ValueError(sockaddr) (host, port) = sockaddr[:2] if host is None: raise ValueError(host) if not isinstance(port, int): raise TypeError(port) if family is None: gai = (family, None, None, host, (host, port)) else: gais = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, (socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_NUMERICSERV)) gai = gais.pop(0) return (gai[0], gai[4])
[docs] def lookup_endpoint(cls, sockaddr=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, security_mode=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): """Look up an endpoint using the same algorithm as endpoint creation. Returns ``None`` if passing these parameters to class:`Endpoint` would result in creation of a new endpoint. """ instance = None if sockaddr is not None: try: key = Endpoint._key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode) instance = Endpoint.__EndpointRegistry.get(key) except: pass if instance is None: (family, sockaddr) = Endpoint._canonical_sockinfo(sockaddr, family, security_mode, host, port) key = Endpoint._key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode) instance = Endpoint.__EndpointRegistry.get(key) return instance
def __new__(cls, sockaddr=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, security_mode=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): instance = None if sockaddr is not None: try: key = Endpoint._key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode) instance = Endpoint.__EndpointRegistry.get(key) except: pass if instance is None: (family, sockaddr) = Endpoint._canonical_sockinfo(sockaddr, family, security_mode, host, port) key = Endpoint._key_for_sockaddr(sockaddr, family, security_mode) instance = Endpoint.__EndpointRegistry.get(key) if instance is None: instance = super(Endpoint, cls).__new__(cls) host = sockaddr[0] port = sockaddr[1] cls.__EndpointRegistry[key] = instance instance.__family = family instance.__in_addr = key[1] instance.__port = port instance.__security_mode = security_mode instance.__sockaddr = sockaddr if socket.AF_INET == family: instance.__uri_host = '{0}'.format(socket.inet_ntop(, instance.in_addr)) elif socket.AF_INET6 == family: instance.__uri_host = '[{0}]'.format(socket.inet_ntop(, instance.in_addr)) else: instance.__uri_host = host return instance def __del__(self): self._reset() super(Endpoint, self).__del__(self)
[docs] def _reset(self): """Return all data to its initial state. This is a back-door for unit-testing from a known state. It's also used when a new Endpoint is constructed for the first time. Only mutable state is reset; immutable values like :attr:`family` and :attr:`sockaddr` are not affected. """ self._reset_next_messageID(random.randint(0, 65535)) if self.__bound_socket is not None: try: self.__bound_socket.close() except: pass self.__bound_socket = None self._sent_cache = MessageCache(self, True) self._rcvd_cache = MessageCache(self, False)
def __init__(self, sockaddr=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, security_mode=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): # None of these arguments are used here; they apply in # __new__. super(Endpoint, self).__init__() # Note: Only re-initialize if the instance was newly created. if self.__base_uri is None: self.__base_uri = self.uri_from_options([]) self._reset()
[docs] def next_messageID(self): """Return a new messageID suitable for a message to this endpoint. This is sequentially generated starting from an initial value that was randomly generated when the endpoint was created. It is filtered so message IDs still present in the sent message cache are not re-used. """ while True: mid = next(self.__messageID_iter) if not (mid in self._sent_cache): return mid
def _reset_next_messageID(self, start): # Back-door for unit testing from known starting point self.__messageID_iter = itertools.imap(lambda _v: _v % 65536, itertools.count(start))
[docs] def get_peer_endpoint(self, sockaddr=None, host=None, port=coapy.COAP_PORT): """Find the endpoint at *sockaddr* that this endpoint can talk to. This invokes :class:`Endpoint` with *family* and *security_mode* set to the parameters used by this endpoint. It is used to identify the source endpoint of a message received by :meth:`python:socket.socket.recvfrom`. *sockaddr* will be constructed from *host* and *port* if not provided explicitly; at least one of *sockaddr* and *host* must be given. """ if sockaddr is None: if host is None: raise ValueError if not isinstance(port, int): raise TypeError sockaddr = (host, port) return type(self)(sockaddr=sockaddr,, security_mode=self.security_mode)
[docs] def is_same_host(self, host): """Determine whether *host* resolves to the same address as this endpoint. This is used for the algorithm in :coapsect:`6.4` to determine that a :class:`UriHost<coapy.option.UriHost>` option may be elided in favor of the default derived from an endpoint. This can only be done if *host* is an ``IP-literal`` or ``IPv4address`` equivalent to :attr:`in_addr` in :attr:`family`. DNS resolution is not used. """ if is None: return self.uri_host == host try: in_addr = socket.inet_pton(, host) return self.in_addr == in_addr except socket.error: pass return False
@staticmethod def _port_for_scheme(scheme): return {'coap': coapy.COAP_PORT, 'coaps': coapy.COAPS_PORT}[scheme]
[docs] def uri_to_options(self, uri, base_uri=None): """Convert a URI to a list of CoAP options relative to this endpoint. *uri* should be an :rfc:`3986` conformant absolute URI. For convenience, if *base_uri* is not None the value of *uri* will be recalculated assuming it is relative to *base_uri*. *base_uri* itself will default to :attr:`base_uri` if no non-``None`` value is provided. The scheme part of *uri* must be either "coap" or "coaps". Options will be returned in a list in the following order. * :class:`coapy.option.UriHost`, absent if the URI host matches the endpoint :attr:`family` and :attr:`in_addr`; * :class:`coapy.option.UriPort`, absent if the URI port matches the endpoint :attr:`port`; * :class:`coapy.option.UriPath`, absent if the path is empty, otherwise occurs once per path segment; * :class:`coapy.option.UriQuery`, absent if there is no query part, otherwise occurs once per ``&``-separated query element. """ if base_uri is None: base_uri = self.base_uri if base_uri is not None: uri = urlparse.urljoin(base_uri, uri) res = urlparse.urlsplit(uri) opts = [] # 6.4.1. absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] if (not res.scheme) \ or ((res.netloc is None) and (res.path is None)) \ or res.fragment: raise URIError('not absolute', uri) # 6.4.2. Make this user's job or done by urljoin # 6.4.3. Check scheme scheme = res.scheme.lower() if not (scheme in ('coap', 'coaps')): raise URIError('invalid scheme', res.scheme) # 6.4.4. Unnecessary: fragments aren't allowed in absolute-URIs, # or in the restrictions for coap-URI and coaps-URI. # 6.4.5. authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port] CoAP # doesn't provide a way to pass userinfo, so defer to the # ParseResult hostname and port values rather than try to re-parse # netloc locally. if res.hostname: host = coapy.util.url_unquote(res.hostname) if not self.is_same_host(host): opts.append(coapy.option.UriHost(host)) # 6.4.6. Set port from URI or default from scheme port = res.port if port is None: port = self._port_for_scheme(scheme) # 6.4.7. if port != self.port: opts.append(coapy.option.UriPort(port)) # 6.4.8 path = res.path if path and not ('/' == path): if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] for segment in path.split('/'): segment = coapy.util.url_unquote(segment) opts.append(coapy.option.UriPath(segment)) # 6.4.9 query = res.query if query: for qseg in query.split('&'): qseg = coapy.util.url_unquote(qseg) opts.append(coapy.option.UriQuery(qseg)) return opts
[docs] def uri_from_options(self, opts): """Create a URI from endpoint data and the options. The resulting URI scheme is "coap" unless :attr:`security_mode` is set (in which case it is "coaps"). The authority is derived from :class:`UriHost<coapy.option.UriHost>` and :class:`UriPort<coapy.option.UriPort>` options in *opts*, defaulting to :attr:`uri_host` and :attr:`port` if the respective options are not provided. The remainder of the URI is built up from :class:`UriPath<coapy.option.UriPath>` and :class:`UriQuery<coapy.option.UriQuery>` options in *opts*. """ scheme = 'coap' if self.security_mode is not None: scheme = 'coaps' host = None opt = coapy.option.UriHost.first_match(opts) if opt is not None: host = opt.value if host is None: raise URIError('empty Uri-Host') if host and ('[' != host[0]): host = coapy.util.url_quote(host) if host is None: host = self.uri_host port = self.port opt = coapy.option.UriPort.first_match(opts) if opt is not None: port = opt.value if port is None: raise URIError('empty Uri-Port') if port == self._port_for_scheme(scheme): netloc = host else: netloc = '{0}:{1}'.format(host, port) # Paths are always absolute, so start with an empty segment so the # encoded version begins with a slash. elts = [''] for segment_opt in coapy.option.UriPath.all_match(opts): segment = segment_opt.value segment = coapy.util.url_quote(segment, '') elts.append(segment) path = '/'.join(elts) if not path: # Make sure we still have the leading slash path = '/' elts = [] for qseg_opt in coapy.option.UriQuery.all_match(opts): qseg = qseg_opt.value qseg = coapy.util.url_quote(qseg, '?') elts.append(qseg) query = '&'.join(elts) return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, None))
[docs] def finalize_message(self, message): """Final checks and refinements for *message* relative to this endpoint. The *message* is :meth:`validated<coapy.message.Message.validate>`, then the following final cleanup in its :attr:`options<coapy.message.Message.options>` is done: * A :class:`coapy.option.UriHost` that is the :meth:`same host<is_same_host>` as the endpoint will be removed. * A :class:`coapy.option.UriPort` that is the same port as the endpoint is removed. The finalized message is returned. """ message.validate() nopt = [] for oi in xrange(len(message.options)): opt = message.options[oi] if isinstance(opt, coapy.option.UriHost) and self.is_same_host(opt.value): continue elif isinstance(opt, coapy.option.UriPort) and (opt.value == self.port): continue nopt.append(opt) if len(nopt) != len(message.options): message.options = nopt return message
def _flush_rcvd_cache(self): now = coapy.clock() cache = self._rcvd_cache while 0 < len(cache): e = cache.peek_oldest() if e.time_due > now: break cache.pop_oldest()
[docs] def receive(self): """Receive and decode a message from another endpoint. Returns ``None`` if the message is so corrupt it should be ignored, or if the received message is a duplicate. Raises :exc:`coapy.message.MessageFormatError` if the message cannot be fully decoded. Otherwise returns the message, in which :attr:`destination_endpoint<coapy.message.Message.destination_endpoint>` will be set to *self* and :attr:`source_endpoint<coapy.message.Message.source_endpoint>` will be set to *source_endpoint*. Any message-layer processing (e.g. re-sending duplicate ACK or RST, or sending a RST due to a message format error) will have been done before this call returns. """ m = None dkw = None (data, source_endpoint) = self.rawrecvfrom(8192) try: m = coapy.message.Message.from_packed(data) m.destination_endpoint = self m.source_endpoint = source_endpoint except coapy.message.MessageFormatError as e: _log.exception('receive') dkw = e.args[1] if m is None: mid = dkw['messageID'] mtype = dkw['type'] else: mid = m.messageID mtype = m.messageType local_origin = not coapy.message.Message.source_originates_type(mtype) if local_origin: # local_origin means ACK or RST; look in send cache. ce = self._sent_cache.get(mid) if ce is None: _log.error('Reply to unrecognized message') return None if m is None: _log.error('Invalid reply to message') return None ce.process_reply(m) return None # not local origin means CON or NON; look in receive cache ce = source_endpoint._rcvd_cache.get(mid) if ce is not None: _log.error('Received duplicate') return None if m is None: _log.error('Need send RST') return RcvdMessageCacheEntry(source_endpoint._rcvd_cache, m)
[docs] def send(self, msg, destination_endpoint=None): """Send *msg* to *destination_endpoint*. *msg* must be an instance of :class:`coapy.message.Message`. *destination_endpoint* specifies where the packed message will be sent and defaults to *msg*'s :attr:`destination_endpoint<coapy.message.Message.destination_endpoint>`. The return value is the :class:`SentMessageCacheEntry` that has message-level transmission state. """ if not isinstance(msg, coapy.message.Message): raise TypeError(msg) if destination_endpoint is None: destination_endpoint = msg.destination_endpoint return SentMessageCacheEntry(self._sent_cache, msg, destination_endpoint)
[docs] def create_request(self, uri, confirmable=False, code=coapy.message.Request.GET, messageID=None, token=None, options=None, payload=None): """Create and return a :class:`Request<coapy.message.Request>` instance to retrieve *uri* from this endpoint. *uri* should generally be a relative URI hosted on the endpoint. By default this creates a non-confirmable :attr:`GET<coapy.message.Request.GET>` message. These features can be overridden with *confirmable* and *code*. *messageID* will default to :meth:`next_messageID`. The caller may specify a token; if none is provided, an empty token will be used. Any *options* are appended to the options derived from *uri*, and *payload* is as in the :class:`coapy.message.Message` constructor. The message :attr:`destination_endpoint<coapy.message.Message.destination_endpoint>` is set to *self*, and finally the message is returned to the caller. """ uri_options = [] if uri is not None: uri_options = self.uri_to_options(uri) if messageID is None: messageID = self.next_messageID() if token is None: token = b'' if options is not None: uri_options.extend(options) m = coapy.message.Request(confirmable=confirmable, code=code, messageID=messageID, token=token, options=uri_options, payload=payload) m.destination_endpoint = self return m
def __unicode__(self): return '{s.uri_host}:{s.port:d}'.format(s=self) __str__ = __unicode__