Source: Layout.js

/* The MIT License (MIT)
 * Copyright 2015-2018 Peter A. Bigot
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * Support for translating between Buffer instances and JavaScript
 * native types.
 * {@link module:Layout~Layout|Layout} is the basis of a class
 * hierarchy that associates property names with sequences of encoded
 * bytes.
 * Layouts are supported for these scalar (numeric) types:
 * * {@link module:Layout~UInt|Unsigned integers in little-endian
 *   format} with {@link module:Layout.u8|8-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.u16|16-bit}, {@link module:Layout.u24|24-bit},
 *   {@link module:Layout.u32|32-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.u40|40-bit}, and {@link module:Layout.u48|48-bit}
 *   representation ranges;
 * * {@link module:Layout~UIntBE|Unsigned integers in big-endian
 *   format} with {@link module:Layout.u16be|16-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.u24be|24-bit}, {@link module:Layout.u32be|32-bit},
 *   {@link module:Layout.u40be|40-bit}, and {@link
 *   module:Layout.u48be|48-bit} representation ranges;
 * * {@link module:Layout~Int|Signed integers in little-endian
 *   format} with {@link module:Layout.s8|8-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.s16|16-bit}, {@link module:Layout.s24|24-bit},
 *   {@link module:Layout.s32|32-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.s40|40-bit}, and {@link module:Layout.s48|48-bit}
 *   representation ranges;
 * * {@link module:Layout~IntBE|Signed integers in big-endian format}
 *   with {@link module:Layout.s16be|16-bit}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.s24be|24-bit}, {@link module:Layout.s32be|32-bit},
 *   {@link module:Layout.s40be|40-bit}, and {@link
 *   module:Layout.s48be|48-bit} representation ranges;
 * * 64-bit integral values that decode to an exact (if magnitude is
 *   less than 2^53) or nearby integral Number in {@link
 *   module:Layout.nu64|unsigned little-endian}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.nu64be|unsigned big-endian}, {@link
 *   module:Layout.ns64|signed little-endian}, and {@link
 *   module:Layout.ns64be|unsigned big-endian} encodings;
 * * 32-bit floating point values with {@link
 *   module:Layout.f32|little-endian} and {@link
 *   module:Layout.f32be|big-endian} representations;
 * * 64-bit floating point values with {@link
 *   module:Layout.f64|little-endian} and {@link
 *   module:Layout.f64be|big-endian} representations;
 * * {@link module:Layout.const|Constants} that take no space in the
 *   encoded expression.
 * and for these aggregate types:
 * * {@link module:Layout.seq|Sequence}s of instances of a {@link
 *   module:Layout~Layout|Layout}, with JavaScript representation as
 *   an Array and constant or data-dependent {@link
 *   module:Layout~Sequence#count|length};
 * * {@link module:Layout.struct|Structure}s that aggregate a
 *   heterogeneous sequence of {@link module:Layout~Layout|Layout}
 *   instances, with JavaScript representation as an Object;
 * * {@link module:Layout.union|Union}s that support multiple {@link
 *   module:Layout~VariantLayout|variant layouts} over a fixed
 *   (padded) or variable (not padded) span of bytes, using an
 *   unsigned integer at the start of the data or a separate {@link
 *   module:Layout.unionLayoutDiscriminator|layout element} to
 *   determine which layout to use when interpreting the buffer
 *   contents;
 * * {@link module:Layout.bits|BitStructure}s that contain a sequence
 *   of individual {@link
 *   module:Layout~BitStructure#addField|BitField}s packed into an 8,
 *   16, 24, or 32-bit unsigned integer starting at the least- or
 *   most-significant bit;
 * * {@link module:Layout.cstr|C strings} of varying length;
 * * {@link module:Layout.blob|Blobs} of fixed- or variable-{@link
 *   module:Layout~Blob#length|length} raw data.
 * All {@link module:Layout~Layout|Layout} instances are immutable
 * after construction, to prevent internal state from becoming
 * inconsistent.
 * @local Layout
 * @local ExternalLayout
 * @local GreedyCount
 * @local OffsetLayout
 * @local UInt
 * @local UIntBE
 * @local Int
 * @local IntBE
 * @local NearUInt64
 * @local NearUInt64BE
 * @local NearInt64
 * @local NearInt64BE
 * @local Float
 * @local FloatBE
 * @local Double
 * @local DoubleBE
 * @local Sequence
 * @local Structure
 * @local UnionDiscriminator
 * @local UnionLayoutDiscriminator
 * @local Union
 * @local VariantLayout
 * @local BitStructure
 * @local BitField
 * @local Boolean
 * @local Blob
 * @local CString
 * @local Constant
 * @local bindConstructorLayout
 * @module Layout
 * @license MIT
 * @author Peter A. Bigot
 * @see {@link|buffer-layout on GitHub}

'use strict';

const assert = require('assert');

 * Base class for layout objects.
 * **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
 * if it amuses you, but they won't support the {@link
 * Layout#encode|encode} or {@link Layout#decode|decode} functions.
 * @param {Number} span - Initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.  The
 * parameter must be an integer; a negative value signifies that the
 * span is {@link Layout#getSpan|value-specific}.
 * @param {string} [property] - Initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @abstract
class Layout {
  constructor(span, property) {
    if (!Number.isInteger(span)) {
      throw new TypeError('span must be an integer');

    /** The span of the layout in bytes.
     * Positive values are generally expected.
     * Zero will only appear in {@link Constant}s and in {@link
     * Sequence}s where the {@link Sequence#count|count} is zero.
     * A negative value indicates that the span is value-specific, and
     * must be obtained using {@link Layout#getSpan|getSpan}. */
    this.span = span;

    /** The property name used when this layout is represented in an
     * Object.
     * Used only for layouts that {@link Layout#decode|decode} to Object
     * instances.  If left undefined the span of the unnamed layout will
     * be treated as padding: it will not be mutated by {@link
     * Layout#encode|encode} nor represented as a property in the
     * decoded Object. */ = property;

  /** Function to create an Object into which decoded properties will
   * be written.
   * Used only for layouts that {@link Layout#decode|decode} to Object
   * instances, which means:
   * * {@link Structure}
   * * {@link Union}
   * * {@link VariantLayout}
   * * {@link BitStructure}
   * If left undefined the JavaScript representation of these layouts
   * will be Object instances.
   * See {@link bindConstructorLayout}.
  makeDestinationObject() {
    return {};

   * Decode from a Buffer into an JavaScript value.
   * @param {Buffer} b - the buffer from which encoded data is read.
   * @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded data
   * starts.  If absent a zero offset is inferred.
   * @returns {(Number|Array|Object)} - the value of the decoded data.
   * @abstract
  decode(b, offset) {
    throw new Error('Layout is abstract');

   * Encode a JavaScript value into a Buffer.
   * @param {(Number|Array|Object)} src - the value to be encoded into
   * the buffer.  The type accepted depends on the (sub-)type of {@link
   * Layout}.
   * @param {Buffer} b - the buffer into which encoded data will be
   * written.
   * @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded data
   * starts.  If absent a zero offset is inferred.
   * @returns {Number} - the number of bytes encoded, including the
   * space skipped for internal padding, but excluding data such as
   * {@link Sequence#count|lengths} when stored {@link
   * ExternalLayout|externally}.  This is the adjustment to `offset`
   * producing the offset where data for the next layout would be
   * written.
   * @abstract
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    throw new Error('Layout is abstract');

   * Calculate the span of a specific instance of a layout.
   * @param {Buffer} b - the buffer that contains an encoded instance.
   * @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded instance
   * starts.  If absent a zero offset is inferred.
   * @return {Number} - the number of bytes covered by the layout
   * instance.  If this method is not overridden in a subclass the
   * definition-time constant {@link Layout#span|span} will be
   * returned.
   * @throws {RangeError} - if the length of the value cannot be
   * determined.
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (0 > this.span) {
      throw new RangeError('indeterminate span');
    return this.span;

   * Replicate the layout using a new property.
   * This function must be used to get a structurally-equivalent layout
   * with a different name since all {@link Layout} instances are
   * immutable.
   * **NOTE** This is a shallow copy.  All fields except {@link
   * Layout#property|property} are strictly equal to the origin layout.
   * @param {String} property - the value for {@link
   * Layout#property|property} in the replica.
   * @returns {Layout} - the copy with {@link Layout#property|property}
   * set to `property`.
  replicate(property) {
    const rv = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);
    Object.assign(rv, this); = property;
    return rv;

   * Create an object from layout properties and an array of values.
   * **NOTE** This function returns `undefined` if invoked on a layout
   * that does not return its value as an Object.  Objects are
   * returned for things that are a {@link Structure}, which includes
   * {@link VariantLayout|variant layouts} if they are structures, and
   * excludes {@link Union}s.  If you want this feature for a union
   * you must use {@link Union.getVariant|getVariant} to select the
   * desired layout.
   * @param {Array} values - an array of values that correspond to the
   * default order for properties.  As with {@link Layout#decode|decode}
   * layout elements that have no property name are skipped when
   * iterating over the array values.  Only the top-level properties are
   * assigned; arguments are not assigned to properties of contained
   * layouts.  Any unused values are ignored.
   * @return {(Object|undefined)}
  fromArray(values) {
    return undefined;
exports.Layout = Layout;

/* Provide text that carries a name (such as for a function that will
 * be throwing an error) annotated with the property of a given layout
 * (such as one for which the value was unacceptable).
 * @ignore */
function nameWithProperty(name, lo) {
  if ( {
    return name + '[' + + ']';
  return name;
exports.nameWithProperty = nameWithProperty;

 * Augment a class so that instances can be encoded/decoded using a
 * given layout.
 * Calling this function couples `Class` with `layout` in several ways:
 * * `Class.layout_` becomes a static member property equal to `layout`;
 * * `layout.boundConstructor_` becomes a static member property equal
 *    to `Class`;
 * * The {@link Layout#makeDestinationObject|makeDestinationObject()}
 *   property of `layout` is set to a function that returns a `new
 *   Class()`;
 * * `Class.decode(b, offset)` becomes a static member function that
 *   delegates to {@link Layout#decode|layout.decode}.  The
 *   synthesized function may be captured and extended.
 * * `Class.prototype.encode(b, offset)` provides an instance member
 *   function that delegates to {@link Layout#encode|layout.encode}
 *   with `src` set to `this`.  The synthesized function may be
 *   captured and extended, but when the extension is invoked `this`
 *   must be explicitly bound to the instance.
 * @param {class} Class - a JavaScript class with a nullary
 * constructor.
 * @param {Layout} layout - the {@link Layout} instance used to encode
 * instances of `Class`.
function bindConstructorLayout(Class, layout) {
  if ('function' !== typeof Class) {
    throw new TypeError('Class must be constructor');
  if (Class.hasOwnProperty('layout_')) {
    throw new Error('Class is already bound to a layout');
  if (!(layout && (layout instanceof Layout))) {
    throw new TypeError('layout must be a Layout');
  if (layout.hasOwnProperty('boundConstructor_')) {
    throw new Error('layout is already bound to a constructor');
  Class.layout_ = layout;
  layout.boundConstructor_ = Class;
  layout.makeDestinationObject = (() => new Class());
  Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, 'encode', {
    value: function(b, offset) {
      return layout.encode(this, b, offset);
    writable: true,
  Object.defineProperty(Class, 'decode', {
    value: function(b, offset) {
      return layout.decode(b, offset);
    writable: true,
exports.bindConstructorLayout = bindConstructorLayout;

 * An object that behaves like a layout but does not consume space
 * within its containing layout.
 * This is primarily used to obtain metadata about a member, such as a
 * {@link OffsetLayout} that can provide data about a {@link
 * Layout#getSpan|value-specific span}.
 * **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
 * if it amuses you, but they won't support {@link
 * ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount} or other {@link Layout} functions.
 * @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
 * The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @abstract
 * @augments {Layout}
class ExternalLayout extends Layout {
   * Return `true` iff the external layout decodes to an unsigned
   * integer layout.
   * In that case it can be used as the source of {@link
   * Sequence#count|Sequence counts}, {@link Blob#length|Blob lengths},
   * or as {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|external union
   * discriminators}.
   * @abstract
  isCount() {
    throw new Error('ExternalLayout is abstract');

 * An {@link ExternalLayout} that determines its {@link
 * Layout#decode|value} based on offset into and length of the buffer
 * on which it is invoked.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.greedy|greedy}
 * @param {Number} [elementSpan] - initializer for {@link
 * GreedyCount#elementSpan|elementSpan}.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {ExternalLayout}
class GreedyCount extends ExternalLayout {
  constructor(elementSpan, property) {
    if (undefined === elementSpan) {
      elementSpan = 1;
    if ((!Number.isInteger(elementSpan)) || (0 >= elementSpan)) {
      throw new TypeError('elementSpan must be a (positive) integer');
    super(-1, property);

    /** The layout for individual elements of the sequence.  The value
     * must be a positive integer.  If not provided, the value will be
     * 1. */
    this.elementSpan = elementSpan;

  /** @override */
  isCount() {
    return true;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const rem = b.length - offset;
    return Math.floor(rem / this.elementSpan);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    return 0;

 * An {@link ExternalLayout} that supports accessing a {@link Layout}
 * at a fixed offset from the start of another Layout.  The offset may
 * be before, within, or after the base layout.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.offset|offset}
 * @param {Layout} layout - initializer for {@link
 * OffsetLayout#layout|layout}, modulo `property`.
 * @param {Number} [offset] - Initializes {@link
 * OffsetLayout#offset|offset}.  Defaults to zero.
 * @param {string} [property] - Optional new property name for a
 * {@link Layout#replicate| replica} of `layout` to be used as {@link
 * OffsetLayout#layout|layout}.  If not provided the `layout` is used
 * unchanged.
 * @augments {Layout}
class OffsetLayout extends ExternalLayout {
  constructor(layout, offset, property) {
    if (!(layout instanceof Layout)) {
      throw new TypeError('layout must be a Layout');

    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    } else if (!Number.isInteger(offset)) {
      throw new TypeError('offset must be integer or undefined');

    super(layout.span, property ||;

    /** The subordinated layout. */
    this.layout = layout;

    /** The location of {@link OffsetLayout#layout} relative to the
     * start of another layout.
     * The value may be positive or negative, but an error will thrown
     * if at the point of use it goes outside the span of the Buffer
     * being accessed.  */
    this.offset = offset;

  /** @override */
  isCount() {
    return ((this.layout instanceof UInt)
            || (this.layout instanceof UIntBE));

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return this.layout.decode(b, offset + this.offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return this.layout.encode(src, b, offset + this.offset);

 * Represent an unsigned integer in little-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.u8|u8}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.u16|u16}, {@link module:Layout.u24|u24}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.u32|u32}, {@link module:Layout.u40|u40}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.u48|u48}
 * @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
 * The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class UInt extends Layout {
  constructor(span, property) {
    super(span, property);
    if (6 < this.span) {
      throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readUIntLE(offset, this.span);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeUIntLE(src, offset, this.span);
    return this.span;

 * Represent an unsigned integer in big-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.u8be|u8be}, {@link
 * module:Layout.u16be|u16be}, {@link module:Layout.u24be|u24be},
 * {@link module:Layout.u32be|u32be}, {@link
 * module:Layout.u40be|u40be}, {@link module:Layout.u48be|u48be}
 * @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
 * The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class UIntBE extends Layout {
  constructor(span, property) {
    super( span, property);
    if (6 < this.span) {
      throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readUIntBE(offset, this.span);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeUIntBE(src, offset, this.span);
    return this.span;

 * Represent a signed integer in little-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.s8|s8}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.s16|s16}, {@link module:Layout.s24|s24}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.s32|s32}, {@link module:Layout.s40|s40}, {@link
 *  module:Layout.s48|s48}
 * @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
 * The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Int extends Layout {
  constructor(span, property) {
    super(span, property);
    if (6 < this.span) {
      throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readIntLE(offset, this.span);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeIntLE(src, offset, this.span);
    return this.span;

 * Represent a signed integer in big-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.s8be|s8be}, {@link
 * module:Layout.s16be|s16be}, {@link module:Layout.s24be|s24be},
 * {@link module:Layout.s32be|s32be}, {@link
 * module:Layout.s40be|s40be}, {@link module:Layout.s48be|s48be}
 * @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
 * The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class IntBE extends Layout {
  constructor(span, property) {
    super(span, property);
    if (6 < this.span) {
      throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readIntBE(offset, this.span);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeIntBE(src, offset, this.span);
    return this.span;

const V2E32 = Math.pow(2, 32);

/* True modulus high and low 32-bit words, where low word is always
 * non-negative. */
function divmodInt64(src) {
  const hi32 = Math.floor(src / V2E32);
  const lo32 = src - (hi32 * V2E32);
  // assert.equal(roundedInt64(hi32, lo32), src);
  // assert(0 <= lo32);
  return {hi32, lo32};
/* Reconstruct Number from quotient and non-negative remainder */
function roundedInt64(hi32, lo32) {
  return hi32 * V2E32 + lo32;

 * Represent an unsigned 64-bit integer in little-endian format when
 * encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.nu64|nu64}
 * **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
 * the exact value of the encoded representation.
 * @augments {Layout}
class NearUInt64 extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const lo32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset);
    const hi32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset + 4);
    return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const split = divmodInt64(src);
    b.writeUInt32LE(split.lo32, offset);
    b.writeUInt32LE(split.hi32, offset + 4);
    return 8;

 * Represent an unsigned 64-bit integer in big-endian format when
 * encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.nu64be|nu64be}
 * **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
 * the exact value of the encoded representation.
 * @augments {Layout}
class NearUInt64BE extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const hi32 = b.readUInt32BE(offset);
    const lo32 = b.readUInt32BE(offset + 4);
    return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const split = divmodInt64(src);
    b.writeUInt32BE(split.hi32, offset);
    b.writeUInt32BE(split.lo32, offset + 4);
    return 8;

 * Represent a signed 64-bit integer in little-endian format when
 * encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.ns64|ns64}
 * **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
 * the exact value of the encoded representation.
 * @augments {Layout}
class NearInt64 extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const lo32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset);
    const hi32 = b.readInt32LE(offset + 4);
    return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const split = divmodInt64(src);
    b.writeUInt32LE(split.lo32, offset);
    b.writeInt32LE(split.hi32, offset + 4);
    return 8;

 * Represent a signed 64-bit integer in big-endian format when
 * encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.ns64be|ns64be}
 * **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
 * the exact value of the encoded representation.
 * @augments {Layout}
class NearInt64BE extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const hi32 = b.readInt32BE(offset);
    const lo32 = b.readUInt32BE(offset + 4);
    return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const split = divmodInt64(src);
    b.writeInt32BE(split.hi32, offset);
    b.writeUInt32BE(split.lo32, offset + 4);
    return 8;

 * Represent a 32-bit floating point number in little-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.f32|f32}
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Float extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(4, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readFloatLE(offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeFloatLE(src, offset);
    return 4;

 * Represent a 32-bit floating point number in big-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.f32be|f32be}
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class FloatBE extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(4, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readFloatBE(offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeFloatBE(src, offset);
    return 4;

 * Represent a 64-bit floating point number in little-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.f64|f64}
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Double extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readDoubleLE(offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeDoubleLE(src, offset);
    return 8;

 * Represent a 64-bit floating point number in big-endian format.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.f64be|f64be}
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class DoubleBE extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(8, property);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.readDoubleBE(offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    b.writeDoubleBE(src, offset);
    return 8;

 * Represent a contiguous sequence of a specific layout as an Array.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.seq|seq}
 * @param {Layout} elementLayout - initializer for {@link
 * Sequence#elementLayout|elementLayout}.
 * @param {(Number|ExternalLayout)} count - initializer for {@link
 * Sequence#count|count}.  The parameter must be either a positive
 * integer or an instance of {@link ExternalLayout}.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Sequence extends Layout {
  constructor(elementLayout, count, property) {
    if (!(elementLayout instanceof Layout)) {
      throw new TypeError('elementLayout must be a Layout');
    if (!(((count instanceof ExternalLayout) && count.isCount())
          || (Number.isInteger(count) && (0 <= count)))) {
      throw new TypeError('count must be non-negative integer '
                          + 'or an unsigned integer ExternalLayout');
    let span = -1;
    if ((!(count instanceof ExternalLayout))
        && (0 < elementLayout.span)) {
      span = count * elementLayout.span;

    super(span, property);

    /** The layout for individual elements of the sequence. */
    this.elementLayout = elementLayout;

    /** The number of elements in the sequence.
     * This will be either a non-negative integer or an instance of
     * {@link ExternalLayout} for which {@link
     * ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()} is `true`. */
    this.count = count;

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (0 <= this.span) {
      return this.span;
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let span = 0;
    let count = this.count;
    if (count instanceof ExternalLayout) {
      count = count.decode(b, offset);
    if (0 < this.elementLayout.span) {
      span = count * this.elementLayout.span;
    } else {
      let idx = 0;
      while (idx < count) {
        span += this.elementLayout.getSpan(b, offset + span);
    return span;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const rv = [];
    let i = 0;
    let count = this.count;
    if (count instanceof ExternalLayout) {
      count = count.decode(b, offset);
    while (i < count) {
      rv.push(this.elementLayout.decode(b, offset));
      offset += this.elementLayout.getSpan(b, offset);
      i += 1;
    return rv;

  /** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Sequence}.
   * **NOTE** If `src` is shorter than {@link Sequence#count|count} then
   * the unused space in the buffer is left unchanged.  If `src` is
   * longer than {@link Sequence#count|count} the unneeded elements are
   * ignored.
   * **NOTE** If {@link Layout#count|count} is an instance of {@link
   * ExternalLayout} then the length of `src` will be encoded as the
   * count after `src` is encoded. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const elo = this.elementLayout;
    const span = src.reduce((span, v) => {
      return span + elo.encode(v, b, offset + span);
    }, 0);
    if (this.count instanceof ExternalLayout) {
      this.count.encode(src.length, b, offset);
    return span;

 * Represent a contiguous sequence of arbitrary layout elements as an
 * Object.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.struct|struct}
 * **NOTE** The {@link Layout#span|span} of the structure is variable
 * if any layout in {@link Structure#fields|fields} has a variable
 * span.  When {@link Layout#encode|encoding} we must have a value for
 * all variable-length fields, or we wouldn't be able to figure out
 * how much space to use for storage.  We can only identify the value
 * for a field when it has a {@link Layout#property|property}.  As
 * such, although a structure may contain both unnamed fields and
 * variable-length fields, it cannot contain an unnamed
 * variable-length field.
 * @param {Layout[]} fields - initializer for {@link
 * Structure#fields|fields}.  An error is raised if this contains a
 * variable-length field for which a {@link Layout#property|property}
 * is not defined.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @param {Boolean} [decodePrefixes] - initializer for {@link
 * Structure#decodePrefixes|property}.
 * @throws {Error} - if `fields` contains an unnamed variable-length
 * layout.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Structure extends Layout {
  constructor(fields, property, decodePrefixes) {
    if (!(Array.isArray(fields)
          && fields.reduce((acc, v) => acc && (v instanceof Layout), true))) {
      throw new TypeError('fields must be array of Layout instances');
    if (('boolean' === typeof property)
        && (undefined === decodePrefixes)) {
      decodePrefixes = property;
      property = undefined;

    /* Verify absence of unnamed variable-length fields. */
    for (const fd of fields) {
      if ((0 > fd.span)
          && (undefined === {
        throw new Error('fields cannot contain unnamed variable-length layout');

    let span = -1;
    try {
      span = fields.reduce((span, fd) => span + fd.getSpan(), 0);
    } catch (e) {
    super(span, property);

    /** The sequence of {@link Layout} values that comprise the
     * structure.
     * The individual elements need not be the same type, and may be
     * either scalar or aggregate layouts.  If a member layout leaves
     * its {@link Layout#property|property} undefined the
     * corresponding region of the buffer associated with the element
     * will not be mutated.
     * @type {Layout[]} */
    this.fields = fields;

    /** Control behavior of {@link Layout#decode|decode()} given short
     * buffers.
     * In some situations a structure many be extended with additional
     * fields over time, with older installations providing only a
     * prefix of the full structure.  If this property is `true`
     * decoding will accept those buffers and leave subsequent fields
     * undefined, as long as the buffer ends at a field boundary.
     * Defaults to `false`. */
    this.decodePrefixes = !!decodePrefixes;

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (0 <= this.span) {
      return this.span;
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let span = 0;
    try {
      span = this.fields.reduce((span, fd) => {
        const fsp = fd.getSpan(b, offset);
        offset += fsp;
        return span + fsp;
      }, 0);
    } catch (e) {
      throw new RangeError('indeterminate span');
    return span;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if (undefined !== {
        dest[] = fd.decode(b, offset);
      offset += fd.getSpan(b, offset);
      if (this.decodePrefixes
          && (b.length === offset)) {
    return dest;

  /** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Structure}.
   * If `src` is missing a property for a member with a defined {@link
   * Layout#property|property} the corresponding region of the buffer is
   * left unmodified. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const firstOffset = offset;
    let lastOffset = 0;
    let lastWrote = 0;
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      let span = fd.span;
      lastWrote = (0 < span) ? span : 0;
      if (undefined === {
        /* By construction the field must be fixed-length (because
         * unnamed variable-length fields are disallowed when
         * encoding).  But check it anyway. */
        assert(0 < span);
      } else {
        const fv = src[];
        if (undefined !== fv) {
          lastWrote = fd.encode(fv, b, offset);
          if (0 > span) {
            /* Read the as-encoded span, which is not necessarily the
             * same as what we wrote. */
            span = fd.getSpan(b, offset);
      lastOffset = offset;
      offset += span;
    /* Use (lastOffset + lastWrote) instead of offset because the last
     * item may have had a dynamic length and we don't want to include
     * the padding between it and the end of the space reserved for
     * it. */
    return (lastOffset + lastWrote) - firstOffset;

  /** @override */
  fromArray(values) {
    const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if ((undefined !==
          && (0 < values.length)) {
        dest[] = values.shift();
    return dest;

   * Get access to the layout of a given property.
   * @param {String} property - the structure member of interest.
   * @return {Layout} - the layout associated with `property`, or
   * undefined if there is no such property.
  layoutFor(property) {
    if ('string' !== typeof property) {
      throw new TypeError('property must be string');
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if ( === property) {
        return fd;

   * Get the offset of a structure member.
   * @param {String} property - the structure member of interest.
   * @return {Number} - the offset in bytes to the start of `property`
   * within the structure, or undefined if `property` is not a field
   * within the structure.  If the property is a member but follows a
   * variable-length structure member a negative number will be
   * returned.
  offsetOf(property) {
    if ('string' !== typeof property) {
      throw new TypeError('property must be string');
    let offset = 0;
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if ( === property) {
        return offset;
      if (0 > fd.span) {
        offset = -1;
      } else if (0 <= offset) {
        offset += fd.span;

 * An object that can provide a {@link
 * Union#discriminator|discriminator} API for {@link Union}.
 * **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
 * if it amuses you, but they won't support the {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator#encode|encode} or {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator#decode|decode} functions.
 * @param {string} [property] - Default for {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator#property|property}.
 * @abstract
class UnionDiscriminator {
  constructor(property) {
    /** The {@link Layout#property|property} to be used when the
     * discriminator is referenced in isolation (generally when {@link
     * Union#decode|Union decode} cannot delegate to a specific
     * variant). */ = property;

  /** Analog to {@link Layout#decode|Layout decode} for union discriminators.
   * The implementation of this method need not reference the buffer if
   * variant information is available through other means. */
  decode() {
    throw new Error('UnionDiscriminator is abstract');

  /** Analog to {@link Layout#decode|Layout encode} for union discriminators.
   * The implementation of this method need not store the value if
   * variant information is maintained through other means. */
  encode() {
    throw new Error('UnionDiscriminator is abstract');

 * An object that can provide a {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator|discriminator API} for {@link Union} using an
 * unsigned integral {@link Layout} instance located either inside or
 * outside the union.
 * @param {ExternalLayout} layout - initializes {@link
 * UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}.  Must satisfy {@link
 * ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}.
 * @param {string} [property] - Default for {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator#property|property}, superseding the property
 * from `layout`, but defaulting to `variant` if neither `property`
 * nor layout provide a property name.
 * @augments {UnionDiscriminator}
class UnionLayoutDiscriminator extends UnionDiscriminator {
  constructor(layout, property) {
    if (!((layout instanceof ExternalLayout)
          && layout.isCount())) {
      throw new TypeError('layout must be an unsigned integer ExternalLayout');

    super(property || || 'variant');

    /** The {@link ExternalLayout} used to access the discriminator
     * value. */
    this.layout = layout;

  /** Delegate decoding to {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}. */
  decode(b, offset) {
    return this.layout.decode(b, offset);

  /** Delegate encoding to {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    return this.layout.encode(src, b, offset);

 * Represent any number of span-compatible layouts.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.union|union}
 * If the union has a {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout} that
 * layout must have a non-negative {@link Layout#span|span}.  The span
 * of a fixed-span union includes its {@link
 * Union#discriminator|discriminator} if the variant is a {@link
 * Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|prefix of the union}, plus the span
 * of its {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout}.
 * If the union does not have a default layout then the encoded span
 * of the union depends on the encoded span of its variant (which may
 * be fixed or variable).
 * {@link VariantLayout#layout|Variant layout}s are added through
 * {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant}.  If the union has a default
 * layout, the span of the {@link VariantLayout#layout|layout
 * contained by the variant} must not exceed the span of the {@link
 * Union#defaultLayout|default layout} (minus the span of a {@link
 * Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|prefix disriminator}, if used).  The
 * span of the variant will equal the span of the union itself.
 * The variant for a buffer can only be identified from the {@link
 * Union#discriminator|discriminator} {@link
 * UnionDiscriminator#property|property} (in the case of the {@link
 * Union#defaultLayout|default layout}), or by using {@link
 * Union#getVariant|getVariant} and examining the resulting {@link
 * VariantLayout} instance.
 * A variant compatible with a JavaScript object can be identified
 * using {@link Union#getSourceVariant|getSourceVariant}.
 * @param {(UnionDiscriminator|ExternalLayout|Layout)} discr - How to
 * identify the layout used to interpret the union contents.  The
 * parameter must be an instance of {@link UnionDiscriminator}, an
 * {@link ExternalLayout} that satisfies {@link
 * ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}, or {@link UInt} (or {@link
 * UIntBE}).  When a non-external layout element is passed the layout
 * appears at the start of the union.  In all cases the (synthesized)
 * {@link UnionDiscriminator} instance is recorded as {@link
 * Union#discriminator|discriminator}.
 * @param {(Layout|null)} defaultLayout - initializer for {@link
 * Union#defaultLayout|defaultLayout}.  If absent defaults to `null`.
 * If `null` there is no default layout: the union has data-dependent
 * length and attempts to decode or encode unrecognized variants will
 * throw an exception.  A {@link Layout} instance must have a
 * non-negative {@link Layout#span|span}, and if it lacks a {@link
 * Layout#property|property} the {@link
 * Union#defaultLayout|defaultLayout} will be a {@link
 * Layout#replicate|replica} with property `content`.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Union extends Layout {
  constructor(discr, defaultLayout, property) {
    const upv = ((discr instanceof UInt)
               || (discr instanceof UIntBE));
    if (upv) {
      discr = new UnionLayoutDiscriminator(new OffsetLayout(discr));
    } else if ((discr instanceof ExternalLayout)
               && discr.isCount()) {
      discr = new UnionLayoutDiscriminator(discr);
    } else if (!(discr instanceof UnionDiscriminator)) {
      throw new TypeError('discr must be a UnionDiscriminator '
                          + 'or an unsigned integer layout');
    if (undefined === defaultLayout) {
      defaultLayout = null;
    if (!((null === defaultLayout)
          || (defaultLayout instanceof Layout))) {
      throw new TypeError('defaultLayout must be null or a Layout');
    if (null !== defaultLayout) {
      if (0 > defaultLayout.span) {
        throw new Error('defaultLayout must have constant span');
      if (undefined === {
        defaultLayout = defaultLayout.replicate('content');

    /* The union span can be estimated only if there's a default
     * layout.  The union spans its default layout, plus any prefix
     * variant layout.  By construction both layouts, if present, have
     * non-negative span. */
    let span = -1;
    if (defaultLayout) {
      span = defaultLayout.span;
      if ((0 <= span) && upv) {
        span += discr.layout.span;
    super(span, property);

    /** The interface for the discriminator value in isolation.
     * This a {@link UnionDiscriminator} either passed to the
     * constructor or synthesized from the `discr` constructor
     * argument.  {@link
     * Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|usesPrefixDiscriminator} will be
     * `true` iff the `discr` parameter was a non-offset {@link
     * Layout} instance. */
    this.discriminator = discr;

    /** `true` if the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} is the
     * first field in the union.
     * If `false` the discriminator is obtained from somewhere
     * else. */
    this.usesPrefixDiscriminator = upv;

    /** The layout for non-discriminator content when the value of the
     * discriminator is not recognized.
     * This is the value passed to the constructor.  It is
     * structurally equivalent to the second component of {@link
     * Union#layout|layout} but may have a different property
     * name. */
    this.defaultLayout = defaultLayout;

    /** A registry of allowed variants.
     * The keys are unsigned integers which should be compatible with
     * {@link Union.discriminator|discriminator}.  The property value
     * is the corresponding {@link VariantLayout} instances assigned
     * to this union by {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant}.
     * **NOTE** The registry remains mutable so that variants can be
     * {@link Union#addVariant|added} at any time.  Users should not
     * manipulate the content of this property. */
    this.registry = {};

    /* Private variable used when invoking getSourceVariant */
    let boundGetSourceVariant = this.defaultGetSourceVariant.bind(this);

    /** Function to infer the variant selected by a source object.
     * Defaults to {@link
     * Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant} but may
     * be overridden using {@link
     * Union#configGetSourceVariant|configGetSourceVariant}.
     * @param {Object} src - as with {@link
     * Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}.
     * @returns {(undefined|VariantLayout)} The default variant
     * (`undefined`) or first registered variant that uses a property
     * available in `src`. */
    this.getSourceVariant = function(src) {
      return boundGetSourceVariant(src);

    /** Function to override the implementation of {@link
     * Union#getSourceVariant|getSourceVariant}.
     * Use this if the desired variant cannot be identified using the
     * algorithm of {@link
     * Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}.
     * **NOTE** The provided function will be invoked bound to this
     * Union instance, providing local access to {@link
     * Union#registry|registry}.
     * @param {Function} gsv - a function that follows the API of
     * {@link Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}. */
    this.configGetSourceVariant = function(gsv) {
      boundGetSourceVariant = gsv.bind(this);

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (0 <= this.span) {
      return this.span;
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    /* Default layouts always have non-negative span, so we don't have
     * one and we have to recognize the variant which will in turn
     * determine the span. */
    const vlo = this.getVariant(b, offset);
    if (!vlo) {
      throw new Error('unable to determine span for unrecognized variant');
    return vlo.getSpan(b, offset);

   * Method to infer a registered Union variant compatible with `src`.
   * The first satisified rule in the following sequence defines the
   * return value:
   * * If `src` has properties matching the Union discriminator and
   *   the default layout, `undefined` is returned regardless of the
   *   value of the discriminator property (this ensures the default
   *   layout will be used);
   * * If `src` has a property matching the Union discriminator, the
   *   value of the discriminator identifies a registered variant, and
   *   either (a) the variant has no layout, or (b) `src` has the
   *   variant's property, then the variant is returned (because the
   *   source satisfies the constraints of the variant it identifies);
   * * If `src` does not have a property matching the Union
   *   discriminator, but does have a property matching a registered
   *   variant, then the variant is returned (because the source
   *   matches a variant without an explicit conflict);
   * * An error is thrown (because we either can't identify a variant,
   *   or we were explicitly told the variant but can't satisfy it).
   * @param {Object} src - an object presumed to be compatible with
   * the content of the Union.
   * @return {(undefined|VariantLayout)} - as described above.
   * @throws {Error} - if `src` cannot be associated with a default or
   * registered variant.
  defaultGetSourceVariant(src) {
    if (src.hasOwnProperty( {
      if (this.defaultLayout
          && src.hasOwnProperty( {
        return undefined;
      const vlo = this.registry[src[]];
      if (vlo
          && ((!vlo.layout)
              || src.hasOwnProperty( {
        return vlo;
    } else {
      for (const tag in this.registry) {
        const vlo = this.registry[tag];
        if (src.hasOwnProperty( {
          return vlo;
    throw new Error('unable to infer src variant');

  /** Implement {@link Layout#decode|decode} for {@link Union}.
   * If the variant is {@link Union#addVariant|registered} the return
   * value is an instance of that variant, with no explicit
   * discriminator.  Otherwise the {@link Union#defaultLayout|default
   * layout} is used to decode the content. */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let dest;
    const dlo = this.discriminator;
    const discr = dlo.decode(b, offset);
    let clo = this.registry[discr];
    if (undefined === clo) {
      let contentOffset = 0;
      clo = this.defaultLayout;
      if (this.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
        contentOffset = dlo.layout.span;
      dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
      dest[] = discr;
      dest[] = this.defaultLayout.decode(b, offset + contentOffset);
    } else {
      dest = clo.decode(b, offset);
    return dest;

  /** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Union}.
   * This API assumes the `src` object is consistent with the union's
   * {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout}.  To encode variants
   * use the appropriate variant-specific {@link VariantLayout#encode}
   * method. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const vlo = this.getSourceVariant(src);
    if (undefined === vlo) {
      const dlo = this.discriminator;
      const clo = this.defaultLayout;
      let contentOffset = 0;
      if (this.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
        contentOffset = dlo.layout.span;
      dlo.encode(src[], b, offset);
      return contentOffset + clo.encode(src[], b,
                                        offset + contentOffset);
    return vlo.encode(src, b, offset);

  /** Register a new variant structure within a union.  The newly
   * created variant is returned.
   * @param {Number} variant - initializer for {@link
   * VariantLayout#variant|variant}.
   * @param {Layout} layout - initializer for {@link
   * VariantLayout#layout|layout}.
   * @param {String} property - initializer for {@link
   * Layout#property|property}.
   * @return {VariantLayout} */
  addVariant(variant, layout, property) {
    const rv = new VariantLayout(this, variant, layout, property);
    this.registry[variant] = rv;
    return rv;

   * Get the layout associated with a registered variant.
   * If `vb` does not produce a registered variant the function returns
   * `undefined`.
   * @param {(Number|Buffer)} vb - either the variant number, or a
   * buffer from which the discriminator is to be read.
   * @param {Number} offset - offset into `vb` for the start of the
   * union.  Used only when `vb` is an instance of {Buffer}.
   * @return {({VariantLayout}|undefined)}
  getVariant(vb, offset) {
    let variant = vb;
    if (vb instanceof Buffer) {
      if (undefined === offset) {
        offset = 0;
      variant = this.discriminator.decode(vb, offset);
    return this.registry[variant];

 * Represent a specific variant within a containing union.
 * **NOTE** The {@link Layout#span|span} of the variant may include
 * the span of the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} used to
 * identify it, but values read and written using the variant strictly
 * conform to the content of {@link VariantLayout#layout|layout}.
 * **NOTE** User code should not invoke this constructor directly.  Use
 * the union {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant} helper method.
 * @param {Union} union - initializer for {@link
 * VariantLayout#union|union}.
 * @param {Number} variant - initializer for {@link
 * VariantLayout#variant|variant}.
 * @param {Layout} [layout] - initializer for {@link
 * VariantLayout#layout|layout}.  If absent the variant carries no
 * data.
 * @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.  Unlike many other layouts, variant
 * layouts normally include a property name so they can be identified
 * within their containing {@link Union}.  The property identifier may
 * be absent only if `layout` is is absent.
 * @augments {Layout}
class VariantLayout extends Layout {
  constructor(union, variant, layout, property) {
    if (!(union instanceof Union)) {
      throw new TypeError('union must be a Union');
    if ((!Number.isInteger(variant)) || (0 > variant)) {
      throw new TypeError('variant must be a (non-negative) integer');
    if (('string' === typeof layout)
        && (undefined === property)) {
      property = layout;
      layout = null;
    if (layout) {
      if (!(layout instanceof Layout)) {
        throw new TypeError('layout must be a Layout');
      if ((null !== union.defaultLayout)
          && (0 <= layout.span)
          && (layout.span > union.defaultLayout.span)) {
        throw new Error('variant span exceeds span of containing union');
      if ('string' !== typeof property) {
        throw new TypeError('variant must have a String property');
    let span = union.span;
    if (0 > union.span) {
      span = layout ? layout.span : 0;
      if ((0 <= span) && union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
        span += union.discriminator.layout.span;
    super(span, property);

    /** The {@link Union} to which this variant belongs. */
    this.union = union;

    /** The unsigned integral value identifying this variant within
     * the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} of the containing
     * union. */
    this.variant = variant;

    /** The {@link Layout} to be used when reading/writing the
     * non-discriminator part of the {@link
     * VariantLayout#union|union}.  If `null` the variant carries no
     * data. */
    this.layout = layout || null;

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (0 <= this.span) {
      /* Will be equal to the containing union span if that is not
       * variable. */
      return this.span;
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let contentOffset = 0;
    if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
      contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
    /* Span is defined solely by the variant (and prefix discriminator) */
    return contentOffset + this.layout.getSpan(b, offset + contentOffset);

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    if (this !== this.union.getVariant(b, offset)) {
      throw new Error('variant mismatch');
    let contentOffset = 0;
    if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
      contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
    if (this.layout) {
      dest[] = this.layout.decode(b, offset + contentOffset);
    } else if ( {
      dest[] = true;
    } else if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
      dest[] = this.variant;
    return dest;

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let contentOffset = 0;
    if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
      contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
    if (this.layout
        && (!src.hasOwnProperty( {
      throw new TypeError('variant lacks property ' +;
    this.union.discriminator.encode(this.variant, b, offset);
    let span = contentOffset;
    if (this.layout) {
      this.layout.encode(src[], b, offset + contentOffset);
      span += this.layout.getSpan(b, offset + contentOffset);
      if ((0 <= this.union.span)
          && (span > this.union.span)) {
        throw new Error('encoded variant overruns containing union');
    return span;

  /** Delegate {@link Layout#fromArray|fromArray} to {@link
   * VariantLayout#layout|layout}. */
  fromArray(values) {
    if (this.layout) {
      return this.layout.fromArray(values);

/** JavaScript chose to define bitwise operations as operating on
 * signed 32-bit values in 2's complement form, meaning any integer
 * with bit 31 set is going to look negative.  For right shifts that's
 * not a problem, because `>>>` is a logical shift, but for every
 * other bitwise operator we have to compensate for possible negative
 * results. */
function fixBitwiseResult(v) {
  if (0 > v) {
    v += 0x100000000;
  return v;

 * Contain a sequence of bit fields as an unsigned integer.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.bits|bits}
 * This is a container element; within it there are {@link BitField}
 * instances that provide the extracted properties.  The container
 * simply defines the aggregate representation and its bit ordering.
 * The representation is an object containing properties with numeric
 * or {@link Boolean} values.
 * {@link BitField}s are added with the {@link
 * BitStructure#addField|addField} and {@link
 * BitStructure#addBoolean|addBoolean} methods.

 * @param {Layout} word - initializer for {@link
 * BitStructure#word|word}.  The parameter must be an instance of
 * {@link UInt} (or {@link UIntBE}) that is no more than 4 bytes wide.
 * @param {bool} [msb] - `true` if the bit numbering starts at the
 * most significant bit of the containing word; `false` (default) if
 * it starts at the least significant bit of the containing word.  If
 * the parameter at this position is a string and `property` is
 * `undefined` the value of this argument will instead be used as the
 * value of `property`.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class BitStructure extends Layout {
  constructor(word, msb, property) {
    if (!((word instanceof UInt)
          || (word instanceof UIntBE))) {
      throw new TypeError('word must be a UInt or UIntBE layout');
    if (('string' === typeof msb)
        && (undefined === property)) {
      property = msb;
      msb = undefined;
    if (4 < word.span) {
      throw new RangeError('word cannot exceed 32 bits');
    super(word.span, property);

    /** The layout used for the packed value.  {@link BitField}
     * instances are packed sequentially depending on {@link
     * BitStructure#msb|msb}. */
    this.word = word;

    /** Whether the bit sequences are packed starting at the most
     * significant bit growing down (`true`), or the least significant
     * bit growing up (`false`).
     * **NOTE** Regardless of this value, the least significant bit of
     * any {@link BitField} value is the least significant bit of the
     * corresponding section of the packed value. */
    this.msb = !!msb;

    /** The sequence of {@link BitField} layouts that comprise the
     * packed structure.
     * **NOTE** The array remains mutable to allow fields to be {@link
     * BitStructure#addField|added} after construction.  Users should
     * not manipulate the content of this property.*/
    this.fields = [];

    /* Storage for the value.  Capture a variable instead of using an
     * instance property because we don't want anything to change the
     * value without going through the mutator. */
    let value = 0;
    this._packedSetValue = function(v) {
      value = fixBitwiseResult(v);
      return this;
    this._packedGetValue = function() {
      return value;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const value = this.word.decode(b, offset);
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if (undefined !== {
        dest[] = fd.decode(value);
    return dest;

  /** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link BitStructure}.
   * If `src` is missing a property for a member with a defined {@link
   * Layout#property|property} the corresponding region of the packed
   * value is left unmodified.  Unused bits are also left unmodified. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    const value = this.word.decode(b, offset);
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if (undefined !== {
        const fv = src[];
        if (undefined !== fv) {
    return this.word.encode(this._packedGetValue(), b, offset);

  /** Register a new bitfield with a containing bit structure.  The
   * resulting bitfield is returned.
   * @param {Number} bits - initializer for {@link BitField#bits|bits}.
   * @param {string} property - initializer for {@link
   * Layout#property|property}.
   * @return {BitField} */
  addField(bits, property) {
    const bf = new BitField(this, bits, property);
    return bf;

  /** As with {@link BitStructure#addField|addField} for single-bit
   * fields with `boolean` value representation.
   * @param {string} property - initializer for {@link
   * Layout#property|property}.
   * @return {Boolean} */
  addBoolean(property) {
    // This is my Boolean, not the Javascript one.
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers
    const bf = new Boolean(this, property);
    return bf;

   * Get access to the bit field for a given property.
   * @param {String} property - the bit field of interest.
   * @return {BitField} - the field associated with `property`, or
   * undefined if there is no such property.
  fieldFor(property) {
    if ('string' !== typeof property) {
      throw new TypeError('property must be string');
    for (const fd of this.fields) {
      if ( === property) {
        return fd;

 * Represent a sequence of bits within a {@link BitStructure}.
 * All bit field values are represented as unsigned integers.
 * **NOTE** User code should not invoke this constructor directly.
 * Use the container {@link BitStructure#addField|addField} helper
 * method.
 * **NOTE** BitField instances are not instances of {@link Layout}
 * since {@link Layout#span|span} measures 8-bit units.
 * @param {BitStructure} container - initializer for {@link
 * BitField#container|container}.
 * @param {Number} bits - initializer for {@link BitField#bits|bits}.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
class BitField {
  constructor(container, bits, property) {
    if (!(container instanceof BitStructure)) {
      throw new TypeError('container must be a BitStructure');
    if ((!Number.isInteger(bits)) || (0 >= bits)) {
      throw new TypeError('bits must be positive integer');
    const totalBits = 8 * container.span;
    const usedBits = container.fields.reduce((sum, fd) => sum + fd.bits, 0);
    if ((bits + usedBits) > totalBits) {
      throw new Error('bits too long for span remainder ('
                      + (totalBits - usedBits) + ' of '
                      + totalBits + ' remain)');

    /** The {@link BitStructure} instance to which this bit field
     * belongs. */
    this.container = container;

    /** The span of this value in bits. */
    this.bits = bits;

    /** A mask of {@link BitField#bits|bits} bits isolating value bits
     * that fit within the field.
     * That is, it masks a value that has not yet been shifted into
     * position within its containing packed integer. */
    this.valueMask = (1 << bits) - 1;
    if (32 === bits) { // shifted value out of range
      this.valueMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    /** The offset of the value within the containing packed unsigned
     * integer.  The least significant bit of the packed value is at
     * offset zero, regardless of bit ordering used. */
    this.start = usedBits;
    if (this.container.msb) {
      this.start = totalBits - usedBits - bits;

    /** A mask of {@link BitField#bits|bits} isolating the field value
     * within the containing packed unsigned integer. */
    this.wordMask = fixBitwiseResult(this.valueMask << this.start);

    /** The property name used when this bitfield is represented in an
     * Object.
     * Intended to be functionally equivalent to {@link
     * Layout#property}.
     * If left undefined the corresponding span of bits will be
     * treated as padding: it will not be mutated by {@link
     * Layout#encode|encode} nor represented as a property in the
     * decoded Object. */ = property;

  /** Store a value into the corresponding subsequence of the containing
   * bit field. */
  decode() {
    const word = this.container._packedGetValue();
    const wordValue = fixBitwiseResult(word & this.wordMask);
    const value = wordValue >>> this.start;
    return value;

  /** Store a value into the corresponding subsequence of the containing
   * bit field.
   * **NOTE** This is not a specialization of {@link
   * Layout#encode|Layout.encode} and there is no return value. */
  encode(value) {
    if ((!Number.isInteger(value))
        || (value !== fixBitwiseResult(value & this.valueMask))) {
      throw new TypeError(nameWithProperty('BitField.encode', this)
                          + ' value must be integer not exceeding ' + this.valueMask);
    const word = this.container._packedGetValue();
    const wordValue = fixBitwiseResult(value << this.start);
    this.container._packedSetValue(fixBitwiseResult(word & ~this.wordMask)
                                   | wordValue);

 * Represent a single bit within a {@link BitStructure} as a
 * JavaScript boolean.
 * **NOTE** User code should not invoke this constructor directly.
 * Use the container {@link BitStructure#addBoolean|addBoolean} helper
 * method.
 * @param {BitStructure} container - initializer for {@link
 * BitField#container|container}.
 * @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {BitField}
/* eslint-disable no-extend-native */
class Boolean extends BitField {
  constructor(container, property) {
    super(container, 1, property);

  /** Override {@link BitField#decode|decode} for {@link Boolean|Boolean}.
   * @returns {boolean} */
  decode(b, offset) {
    return !!, b, offset);

  /** @override */
  encode(value) {
    if ('boolean' === typeof value) {
      // BitField requires integer values
      value = +value;
    return, value);
/* eslint-enable no-extend-native */

 * Contain a fixed-length block of arbitrary data, represented as a
 * Buffer.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.blob|blob}
 * @param {(Number|ExternalLayout)} length - initializes {@link
 * Blob#length|length}.
 * @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Blob extends Layout {
  constructor(length, property) {
    if (!(((length instanceof ExternalLayout) && length.isCount())
          || (Number.isInteger(length) && (0 <= length)))) {
      throw new TypeError('length must be positive integer '
                          + 'or an unsigned integer ExternalLayout');

    let span = -1;
    if (!(length instanceof ExternalLayout)) {
      span = length;
    super(span, property);

    /** The number of bytes in the blob.
     * This may be a non-negative integer, or an instance of {@link
     * ExternalLayout} that satisfies {@link
     * ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}. */
    this.length = length;

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    let span = this.span;
    if (0 > span) {
      span = this.length.decode(b, offset);
    return span;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let span = this.span;
    if (0 > span) {
      span = this.length.decode(b, offset);
    return b.slice(offset, offset + span);

  /** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Blob}.
   * **NOTE** If {@link Layout#count|count} is an instance of {@link
   * ExternalLayout} then the length of `src` will be encoded as the
   * count after `src` is encoded. */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    let span = this.length;
    if (this.length instanceof ExternalLayout) {
      span = src.length;
    if (!((src instanceof Buffer)
          && (span === src.length))) {
      throw new TypeError(nameWithProperty('Blob.encode', this)
                          + ' requires (length ' + span + ') Buffer as src');
    if ((offset + span) > b.length) {
      throw new RangeError('encoding overruns Buffer');
    b.write(src.toString('hex'), offset, span, 'hex');
    if (this.length instanceof ExternalLayout) {
      this.length.encode(span, b, offset);
    return span;

 * Contain a `NUL`-terminated UTF8 string.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.cstr|cstr}
 * **NOTE** Any UTF8 string that incorporates a zero-valued byte will
 * not be correctly decoded by this layout.
 * @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class CString extends Layout {
  constructor(property) {
    super(-1, property);

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (!(b instanceof Buffer)) {
      throw new TypeError('b must be a Buffer');
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let idx = offset;
    while ((idx < b.length) && (0 !== b[idx])) {
      idx += 1;
    return 1 + idx - offset;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset, dest) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let span = this.getSpan(b, offset);
    return b.slice(offset, offset + span - 1).toString('utf-8');

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    /* Must force this to a string, lest it be a number and the
     * "utf8-encoding" below actually allocate a buffer of length
     * src */
    if ('string' !== typeof src) {
      src = src.toString();
    const srcb = new Buffer(src, 'utf8');
    const span = srcb.length;
    if ((offset + span) > b.length) {
      throw new RangeError('encoding overruns Buffer');
    srcb.copy(b, offset);
    b[offset + span] = 0;
    return span + 1;

 * Contain a UTF8 string with implicit length.
 * *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.utf8|utf8}
 * **NOTE** Because the length is implicit in the size of the buffer
 * this layout should be used only in isolation, or in a situation
 * where the length can be expressed by operating on a slice of the
 * containing buffer.
 * @param {Number} [maxSpan] - the maximum length allowed for encoded
 * string content.  If not provided there is no bound on the allowed
 * content.
 * @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class UTF8 extends Layout {
  constructor(maxSpan, property) {
    if (('string' === typeof maxSpan)
        && (undefined === property)) {
      property = maxSpan;
      maxSpan = undefined;
    if (undefined === maxSpan) {
      maxSpan = -1;
    } else if (!Number.isInteger(maxSpan)) {
      throw new TypeError('maxSpan must be an integer');

    super(-1, property);

    /** The maximum span of the layout in bytes.
     * Positive values are generally expected.  Zero is abnormal.
     * Attempts to encode or decode a value that exceeds this length
     * will throw a `RangeError`.
     * A negative value indicates that there is no bound on the length
     * of the content. */
    this.maxSpan = maxSpan;

  /** @override */
  getSpan(b, offset) {
    if (!(b instanceof Buffer)) {
      throw new TypeError('b must be a Buffer');
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    return b.length - offset;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset, dest) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    let span = this.getSpan(b, offset);
    if ((0 <= this.maxSpan)
        && (this.maxSpan < span)) {
      throw new RangeError('text length exceeds maxSpan');
    return b.slice(offset, offset + span).toString('utf-8');

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    if (undefined === offset) {
      offset = 0;
    /* Must force this to a string, lest it be a number and the
     * "utf8-encoding" below actually allocate a buffer of length
     * src */
    if ('string' !== typeof src) {
      src = src.toString();
    const srcb = new Buffer(src, 'utf8');
    const span = srcb.length;
    if ((0 <= this.maxSpan)
        && (this.maxSpan < span)) {
      throw new RangeError('text length exceeds maxSpan');
    if ((offset + span) > b.length) {
      throw new RangeError('encoding overruns Buffer');
    srcb.copy(b, offset);
    return span;

 * Contain a constant value.
 * This layout may be used in cases where a JavaScript value can be
 * inferred without an expression in the binary encoding.  An example
 * would be a {@link VariantLayout|variant layout} where the content
 * is implied by the union {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator}.
 * @param {Object|Number|String} value - initializer for {@link
 * Constant#value|value}.  If the value is an object (or array) and
 * the application intends the object to remain unchanged regardless
 * of what is done to values decoded by this layout, the value should
 * be frozen prior passing it to this constructor.
 * @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
 * Layout#property|property}.
 * @augments {Layout}
class Constant extends Layout {
  constructor(value, property) {
    super(0, property);

    /** The value produced by this constant when the layout is {@link
     * Constant#decode|decoded}.
     * Any JavaScript value including `null` and `undefined` is
     * permitted.
     * **WARNING** If `value` passed in the constructor was not
     * frozen, it is possible for users of decoded values to change
     * the content of the value. */
    this.value = value;

  /** @override */
  decode(b, offset, dest) {
    return this.value;

  /** @override */
  encode(src, b, offset) {
    /* Constants take no space */
    return 0;

exports.ExternalLayout = ExternalLayout;
exports.GreedyCount = GreedyCount;
exports.OffsetLayout = OffsetLayout;
exports.UInt = UInt;
exports.UIntBE = UIntBE;
exports.Int = Int;
exports.IntBE = IntBE;
exports.Float = Float;
exports.FloatBE = FloatBE;
exports.Double = Double;
exports.DoubleBE = DoubleBE;
exports.Sequence = Sequence;
exports.Structure = Structure;
exports.UnionDiscriminator = UnionDiscriminator;
exports.UnionLayoutDiscriminator = UnionLayoutDiscriminator;
exports.Union = Union;
exports.VariantLayout = VariantLayout;
exports.BitStructure = BitStructure;
exports.BitField = BitField;
exports.Boolean = Boolean;
exports.Blob = Blob;
exports.CString = CString;
exports.UTF8 = UTF8;
exports.Constant = Constant;

/** Factory for {@link GreedyCount}. */
exports.greedy = ((elementSpan, property) => new GreedyCount(elementSpan, property));

/** Factory for {@link OffsetLayout}. */
exports.offset = ((layout, offset, property) => new OffsetLayout(layout, offset, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|unsigned int layouts} spanning one
 * byte. */
exports.u8 = (property => new UInt(1, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning two bytes. */
exports.u16 = (property => new UInt(2, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning three bytes. */
exports.u24 = (property => new UInt(3, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning four bytes. */
exports.u32 = (property => new UInt(4, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning five bytes. */
exports.u40 = (property => new UInt(5, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning six bytes. */
exports.u48 = (property => new UInt(6, property));

/** Factory for {@link NearUInt64|little-endian unsigned int
 * layouts} interpreted as Numbers. */
exports.nu64 = (property => new NearUInt64(property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|big-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning two bytes. */
exports.u16be = (property => new UIntBE(2, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|big-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning three bytes. */
exports.u24be = (property => new UIntBE(3, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|big-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning four bytes. */
exports.u32be = (property => new UIntBE(4, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|big-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning five bytes. */
exports.u40be = (property => new UIntBE(5, property));

/** Factory for {@link UInt|big-endian unsigned int layouts}
 * spanning six bytes. */
exports.u48be = (property => new UIntBE(6, property));

/** Factory for {@link NearUInt64BE|big-endian unsigned int
 * layouts} interpreted as Numbers. */
exports.nu64be = (property => new NearUInt64BE(property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|signed int layouts} spanning one
 * byte. */
exports.s8 = (property => new Int(1, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning two bytes. */
exports.s16 = (property => new Int(2, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning three bytes. */
exports.s24 = (property => new Int(3, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning four bytes. */
exports.s32 = (property => new Int(4, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning five bytes. */
exports.s40 = (property => new Int(5, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning six bytes. */
exports.s48 = (property => new Int(6, property));

/** Factory for {@link NearInt64|little-endian signed int layouts}
 * interpreted as Numbers. */
exports.ns64 = (property => new NearInt64(property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning two bytes. */
exports.s16be = (property => new IntBE(2, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning three bytes. */
exports.s24be = (property => new IntBE(3, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning four bytes. */
exports.s32be = (property => new IntBE(4, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning five bytes. */
exports.s40be = (property => new IntBE(5, property));

/** Factory for {@link Int|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * spanning six bytes. */
exports.s48be = (property => new IntBE(6, property));

/** Factory for {@link NearInt64BE|big-endian signed int layouts}
 * interpreted as Numbers. */
exports.ns64be = (property => new NearInt64BE(property));

/** Factory for {@link Float|little-endian 32-bit floating point} values. */
exports.f32 = (property => new Float(property));

/** Factory for {@link FloatBE|big-endian 32-bit floating point} values. */
exports.f32be = (property => new FloatBE(property));

/** Factory for {@link Double|little-endian 64-bit floating point} values. */
exports.f64 = (property => new Double(property));

/** Factory for {@link DoubleBE|big-endian 64-bit floating point} values. */
exports.f64be = (property => new DoubleBE(property));

/** Factory for {@link Structure} values. */
exports.struct = ((fields, property, decodePrefixes) => new Structure(fields, property, decodePrefixes));

/** Factory for {@link BitStructure} values. */
exports.bits = ((word, msb, property) => new BitStructure(word, msb, property));

/** Factory for {@link Sequence} values. */
exports.seq = ((elementLayout, count, property) => new Sequence(elementLayout, count, property));

/** Factory for {@link Union} values. */
exports.union = ((discr, defaultLayout, property) => new Union(discr, defaultLayout, property));

/** Factory for {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator} values. */
exports.unionLayoutDiscriminator = ((layout, property) => new UnionLayoutDiscriminator(layout, property));

/** Factory for {@link Blob} values. */
exports.blob = ((length, property) => new Blob(length, property));

/** Factory for {@link CString} values. */
exports.cstr = (property => new CString(property));

/** Factory for {@link UTF8} values. */
exports.utf8 = ((maxSpan, property) => new UTF8(maxSpan, property));

/** Factory for {@link Constant} values. */
exports.const = ((value, property) => new Constant(value, property));